+ Näytä koodi- Piilota koodi
objects.latest("Op_fi4305", code_name = "alusta") # [[Pneumokokkirokote]]
objects.latest("Op_en6007", code_name = "answer") # [[OpasnetUtils/Drafts]]
## Read the annual IPD and carriage incidence data.
## The 0 entries in IPD and carriage data are replaced by small values.
"19F", "23F", "6B", "14", "9V", "4", "18C", "1", "7",
"6A", "19A", "3", "8", "9N", "10", "11", "12", "15",
"16", "20", "22", "23A", "33", "35", "38", "6C", "Oth")
156030, 156030, 126990, 41200, 22290, 12830, 10130, 10, 14180,
54940, 24320, 12160, 1350, 20940, 4050, 72270, 10, 33100,
3380, 1350, 12160, 3380, 680, 30400, 4050, 27470, 24320 )
168100, 314800, 256700, 209800, 114100, 62500, 200700, 100, 100,
158800, 54900, 30800, 8800, 8800, 20800, 97700, 100, 100,
191900, 25200, 72500, 22000, 100, 71300, 100, 79400, 330100 )
7.78, 7.88, 24.39, 20.76, 2.91, 2.91, 6.64, 0.31, 3.02,
3.94, 9.88, 1.25, 0.10, 0.83, 0.41, 0.42, 0.21, 1.98,
0.21, 0.01, 0.93, 0.10, 0.42, 0.31, 0.42, 0.01, 0.73 )
28.51, 53.72, 29.53, 99.43, 43.07, 76.99, 24.39, 6.58, 46.88,
17.42, 20.54, 55.04, 11.21, 25.20, 6.28, 12.76, 13.89, 9.18,
4.73, 3.29, 29.03, 4.40, 5.64, 12.41, 1.43, 5.50, 11.20 )
## Combine the data into 2 matrices of dimension 27*2:
IPD<-cbind(ipd_under5, ipd_over5)
Car<-cbind(car_under5, car_over5)
## Row numbers corresponding to the 3 different PCV formulations
## in matrices IPD and Car. Note: there is no serotype 5 in our data.
pcv7rows<-seq(7); pcv10rows<-seq(9); pcv13rows<-seq(12)
## Example S1.2A: Calculate the predicted incidence of IPD for the non-vaccine
## types(NVTs) under PCV13. The predictions are calculated separately for the
## two age classes. These are the values reported on the bottom panel in
## Figure 2 (there given as per 100K incidences).
postvacc <-Vaccination(IPD,Car,VT_rows=pcv13rows,p=1,q=1)
cat("Incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease after vaccination program (p=1, q=1).\n")
cat("Number of carriers after vaccination program.\n")
## Example S1.2B: Decrease in IPD incidence after adding a single new serotype
## to PCV13 separately for the two age categories.
next_under5<-NextVT(IPD[,1],Car[,1], VT_rows=pcv13rows,p=1)
next_over5 <-NextVT(IPD[,2],Car[,2], VT_rows=pcv13rows,p=1)
cat("Next serotype to add to a vaccine (p=1).\n")
oprint(rbind(serotypes, next_under5, next_over5))
# Nämä taulukot kannattaisi transposata niin näyttäisivät siistimmiltä.
## Example S1.3A: The optimal sequence for under 5 year olds when replacement is 100%.
## The output shows the decreases in IPD incidence for each step,
## corresponding to Figure 5(C). The last serotype (row 27, the category "Other")
## is excluded from any vaccine composition but is taken into account as a
## replacing serotype at each stage.
cat("Optimal sequence of serotypes to add to a vaccine (p=1, HowmanyAdded=20).\n")
## Example S1.3B: The optimal sequence for the whole population when
## replacement is 50% and the current composition includes the PCV7 serotypes.
opt<-OptimalSequence(IPD,Car, VT_rows=pcv7rows,Excluded_rows=length(serotypes),
cat("Optimal sequence of serotypes to add to a vaccine (p=0.5, HownamyAdded=17).\n")
## Read the annual IPD and carriage incidence data.
## The 0 entries in IPD and carriage data are replaced by small values.
IPD <- Ovariable("IPD", ddata = "Op_fi4305.pneumokokki_vaestossa")
IPD@data <- IPD@data[IPD@data$Observation == "Incidence" , colnames(IPD@data) != "Observation"]
Car <- Ovariable("Car", ddata = "Op_fi4305.pneumokokki_vaestossa")
Car@data <- Car@data[Car@data$Observation == "Carrier" , colnames(Car@data) != "Observation"]
servac <- Ovariable("servac", data = data.frame(
Vaccine = rep(c("Current", "New"), each = length(serotypes)),
Serotype = serotypes,
Result = as.numeric(c(
serotypes %in% c("19F", "23F", "6B", "14", "9V", "4", "18C", "1", "7","6A", "19A", "3"),
serotypes %in% servac_user
p <- Ovariable("p", data = data.frame(Result = p_user))
q <- EvalOutput(Ovariable("q", data = data.frame(Result = q_user)))
# EvalOutput must be used because q is mentioned twice in the code and there will otherwise be a merge mismatch.
# The true number of adult carriers may actually be larger than estimated. This adjusts for that.
Car <- Car * Ovariable("adjust", data = data.frame(Age = c("Under 5", "Over 5"), Result = c(1, adultcarriers)))
VacCar <- EvalOutput(VacCar)
VacIPD <- EvalOutput(VacIPD)
cat("Number of carriers\n")
cat("Incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease.\n")
if("Iter" %in% colnames(VacCar@output)) N <- max(VacCar@output$Iter) else N <- 1
ggplot(VacCar@output, aes(x = Serotype, weight = result(VacCar) / N, fill = Vaccine)) + geom_bar(position = "dodge") + theme_gray(base_size = 24) +
labs(title = "Carriers", y = "Number of carriers in Finland")
ggplot(VacIPD@output, aes(x = Serotype, weight = result(VacIPD) / N, fill = Vaccine)) + geom_bar(position = "dodge") + theme_gray(base_size = 24) +
labs(title = "Incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease", y = "Number of cases / 100000 py")
ggplot(VacIPD@output, aes(x = Vaccine, weight = result(VacIPD) / N, fill = Age)) + geom_bar(position = "stack") + theme_gray(base_size = 24) +
labs(title = "Incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease", y = "Number of cases / 100000 py")
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