Siirry navigaatioon
Siirry hakuun
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Vaati plyr kirjaston
library(OpasnetUtils) # Requires plyr get_page_ident <- function(main_ident, page_name) { filter <- list() filter$Sivu <- page_name ver <- opbase.data(main_ident, subset = "Versiot", include = filter) out <- as.character(unique(ver$Ident)) return(out) } get_current_version <- function(main_ident) { ver <- opbase.data(main_ident, subset = "Versiot") out <- max(as.numeric(as.character(ver$Versio))) return(out) } get_meta_data <- function(main_ident, page_name = NULL) { filter <- list() filter$Sivu <- page_name ver <- opbase.data(main_ident, subset = "Versiot", include = filter) return(ver) } try_dl_rm <- function(..., filter = NULL, rm_id = NULL, rm_ind = "JaeID") { out <- data.frame() first <- TRUE for (i in list(...)) { temp <- tryCatch( opbase.data( i, include = filter[names(filter) %in% opbase.indices(i)] ), error = function(...) return(data.frame()) ) #if (nrow(temp) == 0) print(paste("Failed to download ", i, " ", geterrmessage(), sep = "")) if (nrow(temp) > 0) { if (first) { out <- rbind(out, temp) first <- FALSE } else { out <- rbind.fill(out, temp[colnames(temp) %in% colnames(out)]) } } } if (!is.null(rm_id)) { #filter[[rm_ind]] <- NULL #if (length(filter) == 0) filter <- NULL temp <- tryCatch( opbase.data( rm_id, include = filter[names(filter) %in% opbase.indices(rm_id)] ), error = function(...) return(NULL) ) #if (is.null(temp)) print(paste("Failed to download ", rm_id, " ", geterrmessage(), sep = "")) if (!is.null(temp)) { colnames(temp)[colnames(temp) == "Result"] <- rm_ind #temp <- temp[colnames(temp)[colnames(temp) %in% colnames(out)]] # On second thought we should only get marginals into the merge... temp <- temp[colnames(temp)[colnames(temp) %in% c(rm_ind, "Sivu", "Versio")]] temp$Remove_tagged <- 1 out <- join(out, temp, match = "first") # left join from plyr, preserves original order, first match is faster out <- out[is.na(out$Remove_tagged),] out[["Remove_tagged"]] <- NULL } } return(out) } upload_with_autoid <- function(data, ident.subset, id_name, pagename, prefix = character(), filter = NULL) { # Bad implementation that downloads whole data just to find next id temp <- tryCatch( opbase.data(ident.subset, include = filter), error = function(...) return(NULL) ) if (!is.null(temp)) { obs <- gsub("[A-Za-z]", "", as.character(temp[[id_name]])) obs <- max(as.numeric(obs)) + 1 } else { obs <- 1 } if (nrow(data) > 1) obs <- obs:(obs + nrow(data) - 1) data[[id_name]] <- paste(prefix, obs, sep = "") ident.subset <- strsplit(ident.subset, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]] opbase.upload( data, ident = ident.subset[1], name = pagename, # needs rcode tag variables subset = ident.subset[2], act_type = "append", #language = "fin", who = wiki_username ) #return(data) } jaehakukone <- function(main_ident, sivu = NULL, versio = NULL, jae = NULL) { filter <- list() if (is.null(versio)) versio <- get_current_version(main_ident) filter$Versio <- versio filter$Sivu <- sivu filter$JaeID <- jae out <- try_dl_rm( paste(main_ident, "Jakeet", sep = "."), paste(main_ident, "Jakeenlisaykset", sep = "."), filter = filter, rm_id = paste(main_ident, "Jakeenpoistot", sep = "."), rm_ind = "JaeID" ) meta_data <- get_meta_data(main_ident, sivu) ids <- as.character(unique(meta_data$Ident)) names <- as.character(unique(meta_data$Sivu)) # If NULL matches all pages listed in Versiot if (length(ids) > 0) { for (i in 1:length(ids)) { temp <- try_dl_rm( paste(ids[i], "Kommentit", sep = "."), filter = filter, rm_id = paste(ids[i], "Kommentinpoistot", sep = "."), rm_ind = "JaeID" ) if (nrow(temp) > 0) { temp$Sivu <- names[i] if(nrow(out) > 0) { for (i in colnames(out)[!colnames(out) %in% colnames(temp)]) { temp[[i]] <- NA } out <- rbind(out, temp[colnames(out)]) } else { out <- temp } } } } return(out) } parse_page <- function(url, url_args = "", nchar_threshold = 11, res = "par") { turl <- paste(url, url_args, "&action=render", sep = "") a <- opasnet.page(turl, wiki = "opasnet_fi") par <- gregexpr("<p>(.*?)</p>", a)[[1]] par_out <- substr(rep(a, length(par)), par, par + attributes(par)$match.length) par_out <- gsub("<p>", "", par_out) par_out <- gsub("</p>", "", par_out) table <- gregexpr("<table[^>]*>(.*?)</table>", a)[[1]] td <- gregexpr("<td[^>]*>(.*?)</td>", a)[[1]] #th <- gregexpr("<th[^>]*>(.*?)</th>", a)[[1]] table_out <- substr(rep(a, length(td)), td, td + attributes(td)$match.length) table_out <- gsub("<td[^>]*>", "", table_out) table_out <- gsub("</td>", "", table_out) # Use paragraphs in table cells to break content (glitchy?) # At least it removes duplicates of <p> (due to matching <p> search as well as <td>) tdppos <- gregexpr("<p>(.*?)</p>", table_out) table_out <- gsub("<p>(.*?)</p>", "<super_separator>", table_out) tdp <- strsplit(table_out, "<super_separator>") tdpl <- sapply(tdp, length) temp <- list() # Find begin positions of <p> separated bits in <td> for (i in (1:length(tdp))[tdpl > 1]) { temp[[i]] <- c(0, tdppos[[i]] + attributes(tdppos[[i]])$match.length) + td[i] } # Filter <td> with <p> filter <- logical() for (i in 1:length(tdp)) { if (tdpl[i] == 1) val <- FALSE else val <- TRUE filter <- c(filter, rep(val, tdpl[i])) } tdp <- unlist(tdp)[filter] filter <- -(1:length(tdpl))[tdpl > 1] # Filter out table_out <- table_out[filter] td <- td[filter] # Add new bits and positions to end of filtered original table_out <- c(table_out, tdp) td <- c(td, unlist(temp)) li <- gregexpr("<li>(.*?)</li>", a)[[1]] li_out <- substr(rep(a, length(li)), li, li + attributes(li)$match.length) li_out <- gsub("<li>", "", li_out) li_out <- gsub("</li>", "", li_out) dd <- gregexpr("<dd>(.*?)</dd>", a)[[1]] dd_out <- substr(rep(a, length(dd)), dd, dd + attributes(dd)$match.length) dd_out <- gsub("<dd>", "", dd_out) dd_out <- gsub("</dd>", "", dd_out) out <- c(par_out, table_out, li_out, dd_out) pos <- order(c(par, td, li, dd)) out <- out[pos] pos <- c(par, td, li, dd)[pos] filter <- nchar(out) > nchar_threshold out <- out[filter] pos <- pos[filter] # Resolution beyond paragraph if (res == "sentence") { per <- gregexpr("\\.|\\?|!", out) per_out <- list() for (i in 1:length(out)) { per_out[[i]] <- substr( rep(out[i], length(per[[i]]) + 1), c(0, per[[i]]) + 1, c(per[[i]], nchar(out[i])) ) j <- 2 while (j < length(per_out[[i]]) + 1) { if (nchar(gsub("\\s", "", per_out[[i]][j])) < 4) { per_out[[i]][j - 1] <- paste(per_out[[i]][j - 1], per_out[[i]][j], sep = "") per_out[[i]] <- per_out[[i]][-j] if (j - 1 < length(per_out[[i]])) { per_out[[i]][j - 1] <- paste(per_out[[i]][j - 1], per_out[[i]][j], sep = "") per_out[[i]] <- per_out[[i]][-j] } } else { j <- j + 1 } } #j <- length(per_out[[i]]) #while (j > 0) { # if (nchar(gsub("\\s", "", per_out[[i]][j])) < nchar_threshold) { # per_out[[i]][j - 1] <- paste(per_out[[i]][j - 1], per_out[[i]][j], sep = "") # per_out[[i]] <- per_out[[i]][-j] # } else { # j <- j - 1 # } #} } out <- unlist(per_out) pos <- rep(pos, sapply(per_out, length)) filter <- nchar(out) > nchar_threshold out <- out[filter] pos <- pos[filter] out <- gsub("^\\s*|\\s*$", "", out) out <- gsub("\\n", " ", out) # Advanced natural language processing not available for finnish language #require(NLP) #require(openNLP) #s <- as.String(s) #sent_token_annotator <- Maxent_Sent_Token_Annotator("fi") #sent_token_annotator #a1 <- annotate(s, sent_token_annotator) #a1 ## Extract sentences. #s[a1] } # Level 2 header = Topic h2 <- gregexpr("<h2>(.*?)</h2>", a)[[1]] h2_out <- substr(rep(a, length(par)), h2, h2 + attributes(h2)$match.length) h2_out <- gsub("<[^>]*>", "", h2_out) out <- data.frame( Aihe = NA, JaeID = as.character(1:length(out)), Result = out ) for (i in 1:length(h2)) { filter2 <- pos < c(h2, Inf)[i + 1] & pos > h2[i] out$Aihe[filter2] <- h2_out[i] } return(out) } objects.store(get_page_ident, get_meta_data, get_current_version, try_dl_rm, upload_with_autoid, jaehakukone, parse_page) |
####################### # Add script template # ####################### library(OpasnetUtils) objects.latest("Op_fi4325", "apufunktiot") ident.subset <- paste(page_ident, "subset", sep = ".") version <- get_current_version("main_ident") filter <- list() filter$Versio <- version dat <- data.frame( Versio = version, Aika = date(), Käyttäjä = wiki_username, Result = input ) upload_with_autoid( dat, ident.subset, id_name = "XID", prefix = "", filter = filter )
- Tägikone kuuluu osana laajempaan kokonaisuuteen Tuotosten jäsentäminen Opasnetissä. Katso tarkemmat ohjeet sieltä.