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Kiltova on Syken koordinoima projekti, joka tuottaa toiminnallisuuksia ilmastotoimenpiteiden vaikutusten arviointiin. Päähuomio on muissa kuin suorissa ilmastovaikutuksissa, esimerkiksi ilmansaasteissa, talousvaikutuksissa jne.



Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) on WHOn tuottama laskuri aktiivisen liikkumisen vaikutusten laskemiseksi. [2][1]


Sherpa-City is a tool for cities to assess emissions and air quality as a result of different traffic policies[3].

Aktiivisen liikkumisen terveysvaikutukset Suomessa

Aktiivisen liikkumisen terveysvaikutukset Suomessa on 2021 julkaistu arviointi, joka on tehty yhteistyönä Syken ja THL:n kanssa. Se sisältää liikunnan hyödyt, ilmansaastepäästöt, onnettomuudet ja melun terveysvaikutukset.


Partnership on air quality tuotti mallin, jonka yleiskuvaus on alla olevissa taulukoissa. Laskenta on toteutettu Excelillä. [4]. EU-komission ilmansaasteiden yleissivu on Taustatietoja mallista ja tarvittavia lähtötietoja löytyy osoitteesta WHO-datan käyttöehdot löytyvät täältä.

User inputs:

  • Total number of citizens in region of interest
  • Age distribution by one-year age groups
  • Outdoor air pollutant concentrations. All concentrations in ug/m3. The assumed cut-off values (i.e. no-effect thresholds) are shown in parenthesis.
    • PM10 (3.9)
    • PM2.5 (2.5)
    • NO2 (5.0)
    • EC (0.3)
Olennaiset laskentafunktiot
Variable Equation
Population at risk Standard population age group / total standard population * total target population
Magnitude total Burden of Disease Population * incidence or prevalence / scaling factor
Attributable cases/burden of disease BoD*(RR-1)/RR
RR ∆ exposure exp(ln(RR_per_10)/10*(exposure-cutoff))
YLD (attributable cases or bod)*YLD per unit
Costs (attributable cases or BoD) * cost per unit (€)
Percentage decline FEV1 decline fev1/10*(exposure-cutoff)
Total YLD / costs. Sum of morbidity. Does not include RAD and LBW and FEV1
YLL attributable cases * disability weight (1) * duration (10.6 a)
Total DALYs / health damage in € YLD + YLL due to PM2.5 & NO2 (PM10 and EC would be double counting)
Decline in life expectancy (exposure – cutoff)/10* decline in life exposure (d)

Note! Do not use factor 10 in equations if exposure unit is 1 µg/m3 rather than 10 µg/m3 (with EC).

Olennaiset parametrit
Response Age Exposure agent ERF Scaling factor Incidence or prevalence Default value incidence or prevalence ERF (per 10 µg/m3) Disability weight Duration YLD per unit Costs per unit (€)
Annual number of days with bronchitis in children 6-12 a PM10 RR 100000/14 18600 Europe: 18600[2] 1.080 (0.980 - 1.190)[3][4] 0.22500 0.00274 0.00062[5] 49[6]
Incidence chronic bronchitis in adults 18+ a PM10 RR 100000 390 Europe: 390[7] 1.117 (1.040 - 1.189)[3][4] 0.09900 10.00000 0.99000[8] 62712[6]
Incidence of asthma symptoms in asthmatic children 5-19 a PM10 RR 100000/0.17/365.25 4900 West Europe: 4900, North and East Europe: 3500[3] 1.028 (1.006 - 1.051)[3][4] 0.07000 0.00274 0.00019[8] 49[6]
Hospitalizations, cardiovascular diseases all ages PM2.5 RR 100000 2416 Europe[9] 1.0091 (1.0017 - 1.0166)[3][4] 0.58800 0.03800 0.02230[10] 2574[6]
Hospitalizations, respiratory diseases all ages PM2.5 RR 100000 1407 Europe: 1848[9] 1.0190 (0.9982 - 1.0402)[3][4] 0.40800 0.03800 0.01550[10] 2574[6]
Restricted activity days (RADs) (including sick-leave, hospital emergency admission, symptom days per person per year) all ages PM2.5 RR 1 19 Europe: 19[3][11] 1.0470 (1.0420 - 1.0530)[3][4]
Work days lost per worker per year, working age population age 20-65 a PM2.5 RR 1 12 No Default Value[9] 1.0460 (1.0390 - 1.0530)[3][4] 0.09900 0.00274 0.00027[8] 152[6]
Lung cancer age 30+ a PM2.5 RR 100000 64 Europe: 49[9] 1.0900 (1.0400 - 1.1400)[12] 0.45100 1.00000 0.45100[5]
Low birth weight (< 2500 g at term) 0 a PM2.5 RR 100000 7100 Europe: 6700[9] 1.1900 (1.0000 - 1.4200)[12]
Decreased lung function (FEV1) in percentage (per 10 µg/m³) 6-12 a PM2.5 linear 1.5% (-0.3% - 3.2%)[12]
Post-neonatal mortality 1-12 months = age 0 a*11/12 PM10 RR 100000 300 Europe: 300[9] 1.040 (1.020 - 1.070)[3][4] 1 80 80[8] 67500[6]
YLL (premature deaths) due to PM10 30+ a PM10 RR 100000 1363.8[13] 1.035 (1.004 - 1.066)[14] 1 10.6 10.6[15]
YLL (premature deaths) due to PM2.5 30+ a PM2.5 RR 100000 1363.8[13] 1.062 (1.041 - 1.084)[14]
YLL (premature deaths) due to NO2 30+ a NO2 RR 100000 1363.8[13] 1.020 (1.010 - 1.030)[16]
YLL (premature deaths) due to EC 30+ a EC Note! per 1 µg/m3 RR 100000 1363.8[13] 1.061 (1.049 - 1.073)[14]
Decline in life expectancy (in days) Decline in life expectancy (d)
Decline in life expectancy (in days) 30+ a PM10 linear ERF 120 (14 - 223)[14]
Decline in life expectancy (in days) 30+ a PM2.5 linear ERF 210 (140 - 281)[14]
Decline in life expectancy (in days) 30+ a NO2 linear ERF 69 (35 - 103)[14]
Decline in life expectancy (in days) 30+ a EC Note! per 1 µg/m3 linear ERF 206 (167 - 246)[14]


  1. WHO. (2017b) Health economic assessment tool(HEAT) for walking and for cycling. Methods and user guide on physical activity, air pollution, injuries and carbon impact assessments. ISBN 978 92 890 5278 8 [1]
  2. PATY study (Hoek et al., 2012)
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 3,9 HRAPIE
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 WHO 2013
  5. 5,0 5,1 WHO 2017a
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6 Holland (2014), corrected to price levels of 2015. Amounts are based on the lower limits.
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 8,3 Heimtsa & Intarese 2011
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 9,3 9,4 9,5 WHO
  10. 10,0 10,1 Bachmann & van der Kamp 2017
  11. Ostro et al., 1989
  12. 12,0 12,1 12,2 Van der Zee et al., 2016
  13. 13,0 13,1 13,2 13,3 Value for Finland
  14. 14,0 14,1 14,2 14,3 14,4 14,5 14,6 Hoek et al., 2013
  15. De Leeuw & Horálek 2016/5
  16. Atkinson et al., 2017