H2020 V1

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Horizon2020-puiteohjelma käynnistyi vuoden 2014 alussa. Ohjelmakomiteoiden työohjelmat vuosille 2014-2015 on julkaistu, ja ensimmäiset H2020-haut ovat jo sulkeutuneet. Vuosien 2014-2015 tulevat haut ovat jo selvillä, ja niiden sisältöön ei enää pysty vaikuttamaan. EU-komissiossa valmistellaan kuitenkin jo vuosien 2016-2017 työohjelmia. Niiden sisältöön vaikuttamisen aika on nyt! Tulevien työohjelmien hakuihin pitää saada aiheita, jotka kiinnostavat suomalaisia hakijoita ja joiden hauissa suomalaisilla hakijoilla on mahdollisuus menestyä. Tällä sivustolla kerätään suomalaisten osallistujien aiheidoita Horizon2020-ohjelman ICT-työohjelmaan 2016-2017.

Tämä sivusto on julkinen eli sitä pystyy kuka tahansa lukemaan. Kommentointia varten pitää rekisteröityä.

Yhteyshenkilöt: Katja Ahola (Tekes), Sami Majaniemi (LVM), Marko Heikkinen (Tekes), Juha Latikka (Suomen Akatemia), Elina Holmberg (Tekes), Hannu Hämäläinen (STM) ja Jouko Hautamäki (Tekes)

Virallinen kommentointiaika: 6.5.2014 - 28.5.2014.

Kontaktoitavat tahot

  1. Yritykset
  2. Tutkimuslaitokset
  3. Yliopistot
  4. Muut tahot

Tutkimusaiheet / Research topics

Tähän kohtaan toivomme erityisesti aihe-ehdotuksia ja kommentteja. Kirjoitathan tekstin mielellään englanniksi.

Mitä aihepiirejä halutaan saada aukaistua tuleviin H2020 ICT-hakuihin? Voidaanko/kannattaako samalla tehdä avointa ennakointityötä sen suhteen mitä Suomessa pitää lähitulevaisuudessa tutkia/opettaa?

NOKIA’s (Networks) contribution to H2020 Work Programme 2016-2017

From Nokia’s (Networks) perspectives, new research is needed on the following Mobile Broadband key development areas (Note: the summary or the 5G requirements have been listed after these development areas):

1. Enable 1,000 times more capacity

2. Reduce latency to milliseconds

3. Teach networks to be self-aware

4. Personalize the network experience

5. Telco Clouds

6. Flattening total energy consumption

7. Requirements for 5G

In the following, the requirements for 5G have been summarized:

Demos Helsinki suggestions to H2020 WP 2016-2017

The core contribution of technology to society is usually the behavior change that new technologies enable. Demos Helsinki proposes

1. Retrofitting ICT in cities and buildings to make us behave smarter in smarter environments

2. Using ICT to enable preventive and inclusive healthcare and allow autonomy in healthy behavior for everyone.

3. Building tools and interfaces to enable socially responsible and participatory behavior

4. Using ICT to support sustainable lifestyles

Further, Demos Helsinki proposes ICT intensive futures forecasting to improve resilience in investments, education goals and science projects.

Qlu Oy: Proposal for a co-operation program to the Horizon 2020 EUI Research and Innovation program

Program Description

The goal for this program is to cost-efficient methods for building teching environments optimized for the needs of hard-of-hearing (HOH) students, but also serving efficiently the needs set by the new network based teaching methods. The main goal is to make it possible for everybody, also the HOH students, to participate efficiently in the bi-directional discussions in the teaching environment. This is especially important in learning foreign languages and also in the discussion based teamwork. These environments also have value in business and social life, which also are more and more operating in the network environment.

Working group

We propose that this program will be executed as a co-operation between our company, Qlu Oy and one or several finnish communal operators. If seen feasible, the community could be expanded toi include one or several communiocation technology companies and/or academic research groups.

Contact: Juha Nikula, Managing director, Qlu Oy, +358 40 5881138, juha.nikula(at)qlu.fi

Eero Hyvönen, Aalto yliopisto:

Linked Data

Linked Data quality and re-use

Knowledge Discovery in Linked Data

Visualization and exploration of Linked Data

Semantic knowledge extraction from unstructured data

Linked Big Data


- There is a lot of SME industry where occupational and industrial safety and safety culture is at lower level than in large enterprises that can invest more to safety related things. One solution could be ICT based systems for risk assessment and risk identification. It is important to bring the safety improving solutions to the practical level in SMEs.

- Reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) related issues shall be considered as an essential part of system engineering and as a whole from the beginning of the product design. RAMS related issues are very important in all machines and production systems but especially in paper industry and large manufacturing and production lines. Already now the production systems and machines include distributed control systems and a lot of diagnostics. Such ICT solutions are necessary in the product design that enable an effective RAMS design for products and production systems.

- Furthermore, internet of things (IoT) is strongly coming to industrial systems and machines, and this is a feature to be included to the product characteristics. IoT brings a lot of possibilities, but also risks and threats (information security, personal safety, etc.). These threats and measures to tackle these threats should be studied so that severe accidents, relating to both safety and security, can be prevented.

Lisää oma aihe

University of Oulu / Markku Juntti

1. Improved access networks and enabling technologies for better energy and spectral efficiency as well as design and operation flexibility. Including software defined radios and networks. - Ultradense networks - Distributed antenna systems - Cloud processing

2. End-to-end optimization of wireless networks and connections for internet of connected objects and industrial internet to enable efficient use and support for big data applications over wireless connections. - Big data over wireless - Application driven connection optimization

3. Device and antenna technologies based on new materials: multimode and reconfigurable antenna technologies. - New materials - New antenna solutions


Koordinaatioryhmä määrittää yhteistyössä osallistujien kanssa, kuinka aihe-ehdotukset asetetaan tärkeysjärjestykseen. Koordinaatioryhmän muodostaa H2020-ohjelman virallisen ICT-komitean asiantuntijaryhmä, jossa on edustajat Tekesistä, Suomen Akatemiasta, LVM:stä ja STM:stä.

Viestinvälitys EU:n organisaatioissa

Tähän listaan kerätään vaikuttajaverkostoa, joka pystyy vaikuttamaan ICT-työohjelmien sisältöön.

Kommentoi kirjautumatta

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