Epidemiologinen malli
R-program code for the replcement model as in File S1 of Nurhonen M, Auranen K: Optimal serotype compositions for pneumococcal conjugate vaccination under serotype replacement [[1]
- VT: vaccine serotypes, i.e. pneumococcus serotypes that are found in a vaccine.
- NVT: non-vaccine serotypes, i.e. pneumococcus serotypes that are not found in the vaccine.
- Example model run
----#: . Yritin selvittää kuinka alla oleva koodi toimii. Huomasin että vaihtaessa arvoja ajoon, niin vaikuttaisi siltä että ajon tulokset eivät kuitenkaan muutu? --Jaakko (keskustelu) 5. kesäkuuta 2014 kello 14.13 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment) ----#: . Taulukot vastaavat näköjään aina lähtömallia, joka on PCv13, mutta pylväskuviossa muutettu malli on mukana. --Markku N. (keskustelu) 9. kesäkuuta 2014 kello 09.18 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)
library(OpasnetUtils) library(ggplot2) objects.latest("Op_fi4305", code_name = "alusta") # [[Pneumokokkirokote]] objects.latest("Op_en6007", code_name = "answer") # [[OpasnetUtils/Drafts]] openv.setN(100) ## Read the annual IPD and carriage incidence data. ## The 0 entries in IPD and carriage data are replaced by small values. serotypes<-c( "19F", "23F", "6B", "14", "9V", "4", "18C", "1", "7", "6A", "19A", "3", "8", "9N", "10", "11", "12", "15", "16", "20", "22", "23A", "33", "35", "38", "6C", "Oth") car_under5<-c( 156030, 156030, 126990, 41200, 22290, 12830, 10130, 10, 14180, 54940, 24320, 12160, 1350, 20940, 4050, 72270, 10, 33100, 3380, 1350, 12160, 3380, 680, 30400, 4050, 27470, 24320 ) car_over5<-c( 168100, 314800, 256700, 209800, 114100, 62500, 200700, 100, 100, 158800, 54900, 30800, 8800, 8800, 20800, 97700, 100, 100, 191900, 25200, 72500, 22000, 100, 71300, 100, 79400, 330100 ) ipd_under5<-c( 7.78, 7.88, 24.39, 20.76, 2.91, 2.91, 6.64, 0.31, 3.02, 3.94, 9.88, 1.25, 0.10, 0.83, 0.41, 0.42, 0.21, 1.98, 0.21, 0.01, 0.93, 0.10, 0.42, 0.31, 0.42, 0.01, 0.73 ) ipd_over5<-c( 28.51, 53.72, 29.53, 99.43, 43.07, 76.99, 24.39, 6.58, 46.88, 17.42, 20.54, 55.04, 11.21, 25.20, 6.28, 12.76, 13.89, 9.18, 4.73, 3.29, 29.03, 4.40, 5.64, 12.41, 1.43, 5.50, 11.20 ) ## Combine the data into 2 matrices of dimension 27*2: IPD<-cbind(ipd_under5, ipd_over5) Car<-cbind(car_under5, car_over5) ## Row numbers corresponding to the 3 different PCV formulations ## in matrices IPD and Car. Note: there is no serotype 5 in our data. pcv7rows<-seq(7); pcv10rows<-seq(9); pcv13rows<-seq(12) ## Example S1.2A: Calculate the predicted incidence of IPD for the non-vaccine ## types(NVTs) under PCV13. The predictions are calculated separately for the ## two age classes. These are the values reported on the bottom panel in ## Figure 2 (there given as per 100K incidences). postvacc <-Vaccination(IPD,Car,VT_rows=pcv13rows,p=1,q=1) cat("Incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease after vaccination program (p=1, q=1).\n") oprint(cbind(serotypes,postvacc[[1]])) cat("Number of carriers after vaccination program.\n") oprint(cbind(serotypes,postvacc[[2]])) ## Example S1.2B: Decrease in IPD incidence after adding a single new serotype ## to PCV13 separately for the two age categories. next_under5<-NextVT(IPD[,1],Car[,1], VT_rows=pcv13rows,p=1) next_over5 <-NextVT(IPD[,2],Car[,2], VT_rows=pcv13rows,p=1) cat("Next serotype to add to a vaccine (p=1).\n") oprint(rbind(serotypes, next_under5, next_over5)) # Nämä taulukot kannattaisi transposata niin näyttäisivät siistimmiltä. ## Example S1.3A: The optimal sequence for under 5 year olds when replacement is 100%. ## The output shows the decreases in IPD incidence for each step, ## corresponding to Figure 5(C). The last serotype (row 27, the category "Other") ## is excluded from any vaccine composition but is taken into account as a ## replacing serotype at each stage. opt<-OptimalSequence(IPD[,1],Car[,1],VT_rows=0,Excluded_rows=27,p=1.0,HowmanyAdded=20) cat("Optimal sequence of serotypes to add to a vaccine (p=1, HowmanyAdded=20).\n") oprint(rbind(serotypes[opt[1,]],opt[2,])) ## Example S1.3B: The optimal sequence for the whole population when ## replacement is 50% and the current composition includes the PCV7 serotypes. opt<-OptimalSequence(IPD,Car, VT_rows=pcv7rows,Excluded_rows=length(serotypes), p=0.5,HowmanyAdded=17) cat("Optimal sequence of serotypes to add to a vaccine (p=0.5, HownamyAdded=17).\n") oprint(rbind(serotypes[opt[1,]],opt[2,])) ################################### ## Read the annual IPD and carriage incidence data. ## The 0 entries in IPD and carriage data are replaced by small values. IPD <- Ovariable("IPD", ddata = "Op_fi4305.pneumokokki_vaestossa") IPD@data <- IPD@data[IPD@data$Observation == "Incidence" , colnames(IPD@data) != "Observation"] Car <- Ovariable("Car", ddata = "Op_fi4305.pneumokokki_vaestossa") Car@data <- Car@data[Car@data$Observation == "Carrier" , colnames(Car@data) != "Observation"] servac <- Ovariable("servac", data = data.frame( Vaccine = rep(c("Current", "New"), each = length(serotypes)), Serotype = serotypes, Result = as.numeric(c( serotypes %in% c("19F", "23F", "6B", "14", "9V", "4", "18C", "1", "7","6A", "19A", "3"), serotypes %in% servac_user )) )) p <- Ovariable("p", data = data.frame(Result = p_user)) q <- EvalOutput(Ovariable("q", data = data.frame(Result = q_user))) # EvalOutput must be used because q is mentioned twice in the code and there will otherwise be a merge mismatch. # The true number of adult carriers may actually be larger than estimated. This adjusts for that. Car <- Car * Ovariable("adjust", data = data.frame(Age = c("Under 5", "Over 5"), Result = c(1, adultcarriers))) VacCar <- EvalOutput(VacCar) VacIPD <- EvalOutput(VacIPD) cat("Number of carriers\n") oprint(summary(VacCar)) cat("Incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease.\n") oprint(summary(VacIPD)) if("Iter" %in% colnames(VacCar@output)) N <- max(VacCar@output$Iter) else N <- 1 ggplot(VacCar@output, aes(x = Serotype, weight = result(VacCar) / N, fill = Vaccine)) + geom_bar(position = "dodge") + theme_gray(base_size = 24) + labs(title = "Carriers", y = "Number of carriers in Finland") ggplot(VacIPD@output, aes(x = Serotype, weight = result(VacIPD) / N, fill = Vaccine)) + geom_bar(position = "dodge") + theme_gray(base_size = 24) + labs(title = "Incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease", y = "Number of cases / 100000 py") ggplot(VacIPD@output, aes(x = Vaccine, weight = result(VacIPD) / N, fill = Age)) + geom_bar(position = "stack") + theme_gray(base_size = 24) + labs(title = "Incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease", y = "Number of cases / 100000 py") |
Funktioiden alustus
library(OpasnetUtils) #S1.4. The R-functions ############################################################################### ## ## R code for the core methods introduced in ## Markku Nurhonen and Kari Auranen: ## "Optimal serotype compositions for pneumococcal conjugate ## vaccination under serotype replacement", ## PLoS Computational Biology, 2014. ## ############################################################################### ## List of arguments common to most functions: ## ## IPD = matrix of IPD incidences by age class (columns) and serotype (rows) ## Car = corresponding matrix of carriage incidences ## VT_rows = vector of the row numbers in matrices IPD and Car ## corresponding to vaccine types (VT_rows=0 for no vaccination) ## p = proportion of lost VT carriage which is replaced by NVT carriage ## q = proportion of VT carriage lost either due to elimination or replacement ## ## This code includes 4 functions: ## Vaccination, NextVT, OptimalSequence and OptimalVacc. ## Vaccination<-function(IPD,Car,VT_rows,p,q) { ## ## Result: ## A list of 2 matrices: IPD and carriage incidences ## after vaccination (corresponding to matrices IPD and Car). ## [Markku Nurhonen 2013] ## if (VT_rows[1]>0) { IPD<-as.matrix(IPD); Car<-as.matrix(Car) # Post vaccination carriage incidences Car_Total<-t(matrix(apply(Car,2,sum),dim(Car)[2],dim(Car)[1])) Car2<-Car; Car2[VT_rows,]<-0 Car_NVT<-t(matrix(apply(Car2,2,sum),dim(Car2)[2],dim(Car2)[1])) Car_VT<-Car_Total-Car_NVT CarNew<-q*(1+p*Car_VT/Car_NVT)*Car2+(1-q)*Car # Post vaccination IPD incidences NVT_rows<-seq(dim(IPD)[1])[-1*VT_rows] # CCR=Case-to-carrier ratios CCR<-IPD/Car ; IPDNew<-0*IPD # Apply the equation appearing above # equation (1) in text for each serotype. # First term applies to NVTs. IPDNew[VT_rows,]<-(1-q)*IPD[VT_rows,] # Second term applies to NVTs. IPDNew[NVT_rows,]<-((Car_NVT+p*q*Car_VT)*(Car/Car_NVT)*CCR)[NVT_rows,] } else { IPDNew<-IPD; CarNew<-Car } list(IPDNew,CarNew) } NextVT<-function(IPD,Car,VT_rows,p) { ## ## Result: ## A vector of decreases in IPD due to adding a serotype ## to the vaccine. If VT_rows=0, initially no vaccination. ## For row indexes incuded in VT_rows, the result is 0. ## [Markku Nurhonen 2013] ## IPD<-as.matrix(IPD); Car<-as.matrix(Car) ## VaccMat = IPD and Car matrices after vaccination VaccMat<-Vaccination(IPD,Car,VT_rows,p,1) IPD<-VaccMat[[1]]; Car<-VaccMat[[2]] ## Total_IPD,Total_Car = Matrices corresponding to ## overall IPD and carriage in each age class. Total_IPD<-t(matrix(apply(IPD,2,sum),dim(IPD)[2],dim(IPD)[1])) Total_Car<-t(matrix(apply(Car,2,sum),dim(Car)[2],dim(Car)[1])) ## Effect = decrease in IPD when one serotype is added to the vaccine. ## See equation (3) in text. Effect<-(Total_IPD-IPD)*((IPD/(Total_IPD-IPD))-(p*Car/(Total_Car-Car))) ## Special case when only one NVT remains. IPD_nonzero<-which(apply(IPD,1,sum)!=0) if (length(IPD_nonzero)==1) {Effect[IPD_nonzero,]<-IPD[IPD_nonzero,]} ## Result is obtained after summation over age classes. apply(Effect,1,sum) } OptimalSequence<-function(IPD,Car,VT_rows,Excluded_rows,p,HowmanyAdded) { ## ## Starting from VTs indicated by the vector VT_rows ## (VT_rows=0, for no vaccination) sequentially add new VTs ## to the vaccine composition s.t. at each step the optimal ## serotype (corresponding to largest decrease in IPD) is added. ## ## Excluded_rows = Vector of indexes of the rows in matrices ## IPD and Car corresponding to serotypes that are not to ## be included in a vaccine composition, e.g. a row ## corresponding to a group of serotypes labelled "Other". ## Enter Excluded_rows=0 for no excluded serotypes. ## HowmanyAdded = number of VTs to be added. ## ## Result: ## Matrix of dimension 2*HowmanyAdded with 1st row indicating ## the row numbers of added serotypes in the order they appear ## in the sequence. The 2nd row lists the decreases in IPD ## due to addition of each type. [Markku Nurhonen 2013] ## IPD<-as.matrix(IPD); Car<-as.matrix(Car) ## First check the maximum possible number of added VTs. VT_howmany<-length(VT_rows) if (VT_rows[1]==0) {VT_howmany<-0} Excluded_howmany<-length(Excluded_rows) if (Excluded_rows[1]==0) {Excluded_howmany<-0} HowmanyAdded<-min(HowmanyAdded,dim(IPD)[1]-(VT_howmany+Excluded_howmany)) BestVTs<-BestEffects<-rep(0,HowmanyAdded) ## Sequential procedure: at each step find the best additional VT. for (i in 1:HowmanyAdded) { ## Effects = Decrease in IPD after addition of each serotype Effects<-NextVT(IPD,Car,VT_rows,p) ## Set Effects for VTs and excluded types equal to small values ## so that none of these will be selected as the next VT. minvalue<- -2*max(abs(Effects)) if (Excluded_howmany>0) {Effects[Excluded_rows]<-minvalue} if (VT_rows[1]>0) {Effects[VT_rows]<-minvalue} ## BestVTs[i] = Index of serotype with maximum decrease in IPD. BestVTs[i]<-order(-1*Effects)[1] ## BestEffects[i] = Decrese in IPD due to addition of BestVTs[i] ## to the vaccine. BestEffects[i]<-Effects[BestVTs[i]] VT_rows<-c(VT_rows,BestVTs[i]) if (VT_rows[1]==0) {VT_rows<-VT_rows[-1]} VaccMat<-Vaccination(IPD,Car,VT_rows,p,1) IPD<-VaccMat[[1]]; Car<-VaccMat[[2]] } t(matrix(c(BestVTs,BestEffects),HowmanyAdded,2)) } OptimalVacc<-function(IPD,Car,VT_rows,p,q,HowmanyAdded) { ## ## Result: ## A list of 3 elements: (1) Row numbers of serotypes in the optimal ## vaccine composition (2)-(3) IPD and carriage incidences ## by serotype and age class corresponding to the optimal ## vaccine formed using the sequential procedure in the ## function OptimalSequence. [Markku Nurhonen 2013] ## Additional_VTs<-OptimalSequence(IPD,Car,VT_rows,p,HowmanyAdded)[1,] All_VTs<-c(VT_rows,Additional_VTs) if (All_VTs[1]==0) All_VTs<-All_VTs[-1] VaccMat<-Vaccination(IPD,Car,All_VTs,p,q) list(All_VTs,VaccMat[[1]],VaccMat[[2]]) } VacCar <- Ovariable("VacCar", dependencies = data.frame(Name = c( "IPD", # incidence of pneumococcus disease "Car", # number of carriers of pneumococcus "servac", # ovariable of serotypes in vaccine (1 for serotypes in a vaccine, otherwise result is 0) "p", # proportion of eliminated VT carriage that is replaced by NVT carriage "q" # proportion of of VT carriage eliminated by vaccine )), formula = function(...) { ## Result: ## An ovariable of carriage incidences ## after vaccination (corresponding to Car). ## [Markku Nurhonen 2013, Jouni Tuomisto 2014] # Post vaccination carriage incidences # Sum over serotypes and drop extra columns Car_Total<- unkeep(oapply(Car, cols = "Serotype", FUN = sum) * 1, prevresults = TRUE) # Car2 is a temporary ovariable with NVT carriers only Car2 <- unkeep(Car * (1 - servac), prevresults = TRUE) # Take only NVT carriers Car_NVT <- oapply(Car2, cols = "Serotype", FUN = sum) # Carriers of serotypes not in vaccine (NVT) Car_VT <- Car_Total - Car_NVT # Carriers of vaccine serotypes CarNew <- q * (1 + p * Car_VT / Car_NVT) * Car2 + (1 - q) * Car return(CarNew) } ) VacIPD <- Ovariable("VacIPD", dependencies = data.frame(Name = c( "IPD", # incidence of pneumococcus disease "Car", # number of carriers of pneumococcus "servac", # ovariable of serotypes in vaccine (1 for serotypes in a vaccine, otherwise result is 0) "p", # proportion of eliminated VT carriage that is replaced by NVT carriage "q" # proportion of of VT carriage eliminated by vaccine )), formula = function(...) { ## Result: ## An ovariable of IPD incidence ## after vaccination (corresponding to ovariable IPD). ## [Markku Nurhonen 2013, Jouni Tuomisto 2014] # Post vaccination carriage incidences (same code as in VacCar) Car_Total <- unkeep(oapply(Car, cols = "Serotype", FUN = sum) * 1, prevresults = TRUE) # Sums over serotypes Car2 <- unkeep(Car * (1 - servac), prevresults = TRUE) Car_NVT <- oapply(Car2, cols = "Serotype", FUN = sum) # Carriers of serotypes not in vaccine (NVT) Car_VT <- Car_Total - Car_NVT # Carriers of vaccine serotypes CarNew <- q * (1 + p * Car_VT / Car_NVT) * Car2 + (1 - q) * Car # Post vaccination IPD incidences # CCR=Case-to-carrier ratios CCR <- IPD / Car # Apply the equation appearing above # equation (1) in text for each serotype. # First term applies to VTs. IPDNewVT <- (1 - q) * IPD * servac # Second term applies to NVTs. IPDNewNVT <- (Car_NVT + p * q * Car_VT) * (Car / Car_NVT) * CCR * (1 - servac) IPDNew <- IPDNewVT + IPDNewNVT return(IPDNew) } ) objects.store(Vaccination, NextVT, OptimalSequence, OptimalVacc, VacCar, VacIPD) cat("Funktiot Vaccination, NextVT, OptimalSequence, OptimalVacc sekä ovariablet VacCar, VacIPD tallennettu. \n") |
Pneumokokin esiintyvyys suomalaisessa väestössä. Carrier: (oireettomien) kantajien lukumäärä, Incidence: invasiivisen pneumokokkitaudin ilmaantuvuus 100000 henkilövuotta kohti.
Obs | Serotype | Age | Carrier | Incidence |
1 | 19F | Under 5 | 156030 | 7.78 |
2 | 23F | Under 5 | 156030 | 7.88 |
3 | 6B | Under 5 | 126990 | 24.39 |
4 | 14 | Under 5 | 41200 | 20.76 |
5 | 9V | Under 5 | 22290 | 2.91 |
6 | 4 | Under 5 | 12830 | 2.91 |
7 | 18C | Under 5 | 10130 | 6.64 |
8 | 1 | Under 5 | 10 | 0.31 |
9 | 7 | Under 5 | 14180 | 3.02 |
10 | 6A | Under 5 | 54940 | 3.94 |
11 | 19A | Under 5 | 24320 | 9.88 |
12 | 3 | Under 5 | 12160 | 1.25 |
13 | 8 | Under 5 | 1350 | 0.1 |
14 | 9N | Under 5 | 20940 | 0.83 |
15 | 10 | Under 5 | 4050 | 0.41 |
16 | 11 | Under 5 | 72270 | 0.42 |
17 | 12 | Under 5 | 10 | 0.21 |
18 | 15 | Under 5 | 33100 | 1.98 |
19 | 16 | Under 5 | 3380 | 0.21 |
20 | 20 | Under 5 | 1350 | 0.01 |
21 | 22 | Under 5 | 12160 | 0.93 |
22 | 23A | Under 5 | 3380 | 0.1 |
23 | 33 | Under 5 | 680 | 0.42 |
24 | 35 | Under 5 | 30400 | 0.31 |
25 | 38 | Under 5 | 4050 | 0.42 |
26 | 6C | Under 5 | 27470 | 0.01 |
27 | Oth | Under 5 | 24320 | 0.73 |
28 | 19F | Over 5 | 168100 | 28.51 |
29 | 23F | Over 5 | 314800 | 53.72 |
30 | 6B | Over 5 | 256700 | 29.53 |
31 | 14 | Over 5 | 209800 | 99.43 |
32 | 9V | Over 5 | 114100 | 43.07 |
33 | 4 | Over 5 | 62500 | 76.99 |
34 | 18C | Over 5 | 200700 | 24.39 |
35 | 1 | Over 5 | 100 | 6.58 |
36 | 7 | Over 5 | 100 | 46.88 |
37 | 6A | Over 5 | 158800 | 17.42 |
38 | 19A | Over 5 | 54900 | 20.54 |
39 | 3 | Over 5 | 30800 | 55.04 |
40 | 8 | Over 5 | 8800 | 11.21 |
41 | 9N | Over 5 | 8800 | 25.2 |
42 | 10 | Over 5 | 20800 | 6.28 |
43 | 11 | Over 5 | 97700 | 12.76 |
44 | 12 | Over 5 | 100 | 13.89 |
45 | 15 | Over 5 | 100 | 9.18 |
46 | 16 | Over 5 | 191900 | 4.73 |
47 | 20 | Over 5 | 25200 | 3.29 |
48 | 22 | Over 5 | 72500 | 29.03 |
49 | 23A | Over 5 | 22000 | 4.4 |
50 | 33 | Over 5 | 100 | 5.64 |
51 | 35 | Over 5 | 71300 | 12.41 |
52 | 38 | Over 5 | 100 | 1.43 |
53 | 6C | Over 5 | 79400 | 5.5 |
54 | Oth | Over 5 | 330100 | 11.2 |