{ From user olex, Model Mehgvsn3 at Mon, Jan 18, 2010 3:39 PM}
Softwareversion 4.1.0
{ System Variables with non-default values: }
Description Time: Dynamic simulation periods are specified in Time's ~~
definition. This is usually a list of numbers or labels, typically in~~
some unit of time (days, weeks, months, etc.). Use the “Dynamic()” ~~
function in your variables to perform dynamic simulation.
Samplesize := 1000
Usetable := 0
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue Run: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16~~
Typechecking := 0
Checking := 1
Graphwindows := 6
Randomseed := 13
Showundef := 0
Showhier := 1
Saveoptions := 2
Savevalues := 0
Diststeps := 1
Naming := 0
Allwarnings := 0
{!40000|Att_catlinestyle Graph_primary_valdim: 4}
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim: 1,0,0,1,,,,0,40}
{!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim: 6}
Attribute Reference
Attribute Url
Attribute Premises
Attribute Deduction
Attribute Log
Askattribute Recursive,Function,Yes
Askattribute Reference,Function,Yes
Askattribute Url,Function,Yes
Askattribute Log,Function,Yes
Askattribute Reference,Module,Yes
Askattribute Url,Module,Yes
Askattribute Log,Module,Yes
Askattribute Value,Variable,Yes
Askattribute Check,Variable,Yes
Askattribute Balloonhelp,Variable,Yes
Askattribute Reference,Variable,Yes
Askattribute Url,Variable,Yes
Askattribute Log,Variable,Yes
Model Mehgvsn3
Title: MeHgvsomega3
Description: This model calculates the risk of methylmercury exposure ~~
and benefti of omega-3 exposure to children's IQdue to Finnish fish c~~
onsmption. Here are also some suggestions of what should be the focus~~
of the manuscript.
Author: Olli Leino
Date: Mon, Mar 26, 2001 14:02
Saveauthor: olex
Savedate: Mon, Jan 18, 2010 3:39 PM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,757,0,718,669,17
Fontstyle: Arial, 13
Fileinfo: 0,Model Mehgvsn3,2,2,0,0,N:\YEP\publications\In_progress\Lei~~
no_MeHg vs DHA\MeHgvsOmega-3\mallit\Mercury_vs_omega-3_2010.ANA
Att__diagramprintsca: 87,1,1,0,2,1,6533,8533,1
Reference: Leino O.
Module Help1
Title: Help for pyrkilo diagrams
Description: 28.6.2004 Jouni Tuomisto~
This module contains brief description about pyrkilo diagram method i~~
n Analytica platform. There are explanations for node usage and colou~~
rs. Version 5, 28.6.2004. Copyright KTL (National Public Health Insti~~
tute, Finland).
Author: mtad
Date: 16. Aprta 2003 12:56
Saveauthor: jtue
Savedate: 29. Junta 2004 10:55
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 624,40,0
Nodesize: 48,29
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
Diagstate: 1,331,284,866,552,17
Nodecolor: 19661,33649,65535
Fontstyle: Arial, 13
Att__diagramprintsca: 81,1,1,0,2,9,4744,6798,7
Variable Original_data_3r1b
Title: Original data 3R1B
Description: Contains data that comes from a referrable source. The re~~
ference must be mentioned in the Reference attribute. Colour 3R1B.
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 168,336,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,516
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Variable Author_judgement_4r2
Title: Author judgement 4R2B
Description: Contains data that comes from a non-referrable source, i.~~
e. some general knowledge or author judgement. Colour 4R2B.
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 168,392,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 52425,39321,65535
Variable Log_file_4l3b
Title: Log 4L3B
Description: Contains information about general issues related to the ~~
structure and content of a model. Text is written to Description. Eac~~
h addition is started with the date and the name of the user. The tit~~
le of the node is Loki n or Log n (n=version number of the model). Yo~~
u should not write information related to a particular node, that sho~~
uld be written in the node itself so that the information will be inh~~
erited with the node. Colour 4L3B.
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 56,464,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Constant Argument_
Title: Argument (claim) 2L3B
Description: Argument about a node, data, or relationship in a model;~~
or a description of its importance. Colour: automatic (2L3B).
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 280,280,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 65535,31131,19661
Variable Causal_node_8r3b
Title: Causal node 8R3B
Description: This is the basic building block of an Analytica model. I~~
t is a variable that defines a (typically) measurable entity. Usually~~
it is calculated based on data on and relationships about its causes~~
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 168,280,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Module Model_6r3b
Title: Module~
Description: Modules are used to create a hierarchical structure. Modu~~
les may contain nodes and other modules inside them.
Author: mtad
Date: 16. Aprta 2003 12:56
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 56,416,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,40,0,505,406,17
Close Model_6r3b
Constant Comment_6l3b
Title: Conclusion~
Description: A conclusion is basically an argument. The colour is used~~
to enhance the fact that the data for this argument originates from ~~
the results of the model. Colour 6L3B.
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 280,392,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,44,90,476,224
Nodecolor: 65535,65532,19661
Index Index_5r2b
Title: Index 5R2B
Description: Index related to the node beside it. Indexes should be as~~
close as possible to the place where they are used. Otherwise there ~~
is the risk of a connection brake. Colour: automatic (5R2B).
Definition: [0]
Nodelocation: 56,316,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,341,157,476,224
Text Te1
Description: Colour description: xLyT describes the coordinates in the~~
colour palette, xth cell from left and yth cell from top. Directions~~
are L left, R right, T top, B bottom, e.g. 1R1B is the right bottom ~~
Nodelocation: 464,312,-1
Nodesize: 112,56
Decision Decision_9l3b
Title: Decision~
Description: Decision mode defines a decision under analysis. Other de~~
cisions (such as those decided by someone else) can be defined as unc~~
ertain variables instead of decisions.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 56,280,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Objective Outcome_1r3b
Title: Outcome~
Description: Outcome of interest. The optimisation of this variable is~~
often defined as the criteria for choosing between decision options.~~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 56,360,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Chance Chance_11l4b
Title: Chance~
Description: An uncertain variable that is defined as a probability di~~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,448,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Constant Read_about_attribute
Title: Read about attributes
Description: This node describes the use of attributes. All attributes~~
should be used as described in the manuals of Analytica. Exceptions ~~
are described here. This description is written for those who read as~~
well as for those who write pyrkilo diagrams.~
Class: Shows the type of the node. Some of the variable classes have ~~
a special meaning in pyrkilo diagrams. These are presented in Help fo~~
r pyrkilo diagrams module.~
Identifier: Name of the node that is used in definitions. This must b~~
e unique. When drafting a model, use automatic identifiers. Only when~~
there is no expectation of many changes in node Titles, you can stre~~
amline all identifiers. Try to use short names and the same structure~~
as in the Title. E.g. if title is Long-range transport, use identifi~~
er Lrt.~
Units: The unit of the value calculated in the node. Should always be~~
defined when the node is a part of causal diagram. If the variable d~~
escribed by the node is dimensionless, '-' should be used. If an expl~~
icit unit is not (yet) defined, a description about how the variable ~~
could be measured should be used. E.g. 'mass', 'rate', 'age'.~
Title: The title that is shown on the node in diagram mode. First use~~
a working name that roughly describes the contents. After your model~~
is stabilised, you can rename nodes to better represent the final es~~
sence. Try to avoid intermediate nodes where it is difficult to under~~
stand what the outcome means; instead, combine consequent nodes so th~~
at the outcome is an understandable (measurable) variable.~
Description: A free-text area for describing the contents of the node~~
. All nodes should be explicitly described and justified in the Descr~~
iption so that a user is able to get an idea of the node without look~~
ing at the Definition. If the definiton changes remarkably between ve~~
rsions, it is good to describe this and use dates and user's name for~~
clarity (in a similar manner as in Log nodes).~
Definition: This defines what is calculated in this node. If the node~~
is a non-numerical argument, it should contain a formula that refers~~
to all nodes that are used to justify the claim; it this case, the n~~
umerical result will be nonsense. Pay attention to indexes: all impo~~
rtant indexes must be included, but try to work with as few as possib~~
le. Use the ';' operator to chop the syntax into pieces.~
Check: Criteria to check the values entered.~
Reference: This contains a detailed information about the source of t~~
he data. The article or book should be found with this data. When bui~~
lding a model, there should be an accompanying RefMan file with the s~~
ame name but a different extension. This file contains the full infor~~
mation about each reference cited in the model. The name and path of ~~
the RefMan file must be mentioned in the Reference of the model. If t~~
here is a relevant internet page or a network file, its path can be a~~
dded here. Analytica 3.0 understands html-code and makes these links ~~
clickable. E.g. this is a link to the L~~
umina home page. You can download Analytica Player from there to ~~
browse these models.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 736,272,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,236,80,581,552
Module Argument_structure
Title: Argument structure
Author: mtad
Date: 30. Aprta 2003 10:22
Saveauthor: jtue
Savedate: 7. Mayta 2003 10:26
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 736,416,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
Diagstate: 1,14,10,934,679,17
Fontstyle: Arial, 13
Att__diagramprintsca: 79,1,1,0,2,9,4744,6798,7
Variable D_
Title: D (data)~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 56,448,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,0,
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Variable B_
Title: B (backing)~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 160,576,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,0,
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Variable R_
Title: R (rebuttals)~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 160,392,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,0,
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Determ Q_
Title: Q (qualifier)~
Definition: D_+R_+W_
Nodelocation: 160,448,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,507
Variable W_
Title: W (warrant)~
Definition: B_
Nodelocation: 160,512,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,0,
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,224
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Constant C_
Title: C (claim)~
Definition: Q_+Model_variable
Nodelocation: 264,448,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable D__hoek_et_al_2002__
Title: D: Hoek et al 2002: association between traffic vicinity & mort~~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 552,424,1
Nodesize: 64,40
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Variable B__greenland__cohort
Title: B: Greenland: Cohort study is the best design in observational ~~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 680,576,1
Nodesize: 64,38
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Variable R__if_the_effect_was
Title: R: if the effect was due to PM
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 680,352,1
Nodesize: 48,28
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Determ Q__therefore_probabl
Title: Q: therefore probably
Definition: D__hoek_et_al_2002__+R__if_the_effect_was+W__design_was_ap~~
Nodelocation: 680,424,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Constant W__design_was_approp
Title: W: Design was appropriate
Definition: B__greenland__cohort
Nodelocation: 680,488,1
Nodesize: 52,24
Nodecolor: 65535,31131,19661
Constant C__traffic_pm_increa
Title: C: Traffic PM increases cardiopulm mortality
Description: Hoek et al (Lancet 2002) found out in a cohort study that~~
a higway near home was a risk factor for overall and cardiopulmonary~~
mortality. The study was well designed and performed, and the result~~
s are convincing, althought the risk estimates were large. However, t~~
he exposure estimation was based on the vicinity of a major road and ~~
black smoke and nitric dioxide ambient concentrations. The current kn~~
owledge tends to associate especially fine particles (PM) with cardio~~
pulmonary mortality, and in this study the exposure measure clearly w~~
as an indicator of traffic-related PM. However, other explanations ex~~
ist as well, and e.g. noise was not ruled out as a confounder.~
Taken together, the study increases the plausibility of PM being caus~~
ally linked to cardiopulmonary mortality.
Definition: Q__therefore_probabl+Pm_plausibility
Nodelocation: 792,424,1
Nodesize: 48,40
Windstate: 2,412,106,476,224
Nodecolor: 65535,31131,19661
Variable D__harry_is_born_in_
Title: D: Harry is born in Bermuda
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 576,136,1
Nodesize: 48,28
Nodecolor: 52425,39321,65535
Variable W__because_b__those_
Title: W: because~
B: those born in Bermuda are citizens of Great Britain
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 688,232,1
Nodesize: 48,55
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Variable R__unless_harry_was_
Title: R: unless Harry was born during a holiday trip
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 688,56,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Determ Q__therefore_certain
Title: Q: therefore certainly
Definition: D__harry_is_born_in_+R__unless_harry_was_+W__because_b__th~~
Nodelocation: 688,136,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 1,0,-23
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Constant C__harry_is_a_citize
Title: C: Harry is a citizen of GB
Definition: Q__therefore_certain
Nodelocation: 800,136,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 65535,31131,19661
Variable Pm_plausibility
Title: PM plausibility
Units: probability
Definition: 0.9
Nodelocation: 904,424,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,224
Nodecolor: 52425,39321,65535
Variable Model_variable
Title: Model variable
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 376,448,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Text Te3
Description: Here we show how to describe a complicated reasoning sta~~
rting with different kinds of data and ending up with a claim. This f~~
ollows the ideas of Stephen Toulmin (Uses of Argument, Cambridge Univ~~
ersity Press, 1958). In a simple case or drafting phase it is enough ~~
to create an argument by joining a piece of data to the claim. A clai~~
m node is often called an Argument node, but it should be remembered,~~
that a full argument includes the reasoning in addition to the outco~~
me. Instead of using several nodes to describe the reasoning, as is d~~
one here, it is often convenient to write it down inside the argument~~
node, in description attribute (see 'C: Traffic PM increases cardiop~~
ulm mortality'). Note that the arrows usually point from the model to~~
the claim. The logic of this is that the model is seen as a descript~~
ion of reality. And the reality affects the claim, not vice versa.~
- Data (D) or premises describes the information that supports the cl~~
- Warrant (W) makes the argument from data to claim a legitimate one.~~
Often it is not explicitly mentioned in discussion, but it should be~~
described in a pyrkilo unless it is obvious.~
- Backing (B) contains some background information needed for warrant~~
, and often it is practical to combine these two.~
- Qualifier (Q) describes the strength of the argument.~
- Rebuttal (R) defines the scope when the argument is valid.
Nodelocation: 256,180,-1
Nodesize: 248,172
Close Argument_structure
Module Less_important_node_
Title: Less important node types
Author: jtue
Date: 28. Junta 2004 18:03
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 736,480,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Diagstate: 1,257,40,510,515,17
Module Set_module_
Title: Set~
Description: The set module is used as a set containing items, such as~~
a set of emission sources summing up to the total emission. However,~~
it is not possible to refer to a module. Therefore a set node is use~~
d instead of the module for refering in the model. If there are items~~
that belong to several sets, aliases are created and placed in each ~~
set module. A set node is located in the respective set module. Colou~~
r 9L3T.
Author: jtue
Date: 30. Octta 2003 10:34
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 56,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,60,78,398,477,17
Nodecolor: 1,52427,26212
Variable Set_9l3t
Title: Set~
Description: This node is like an alias to a set module. The set modul~~
e is used as a set containing items, but it is not possible to refer ~~
to a module. Therefore a set node is created, and it is used instead ~~
of the module for refering in the model.~
If there are items that belong to several sets, aliases are created a~~
nd placed in each set. Set node is located in the respective set modu~~
le. Colour 9L3T.
Definition: Item1+Item2+Item3+Item4+Item5
Nodelocation: 48,24,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 1,724,97
Nodecolor: 1,52427,26212
Variable Item5
Title: Item5
Description: This is one item belonging to the set 'Set'.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,24,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Item1
Title: Item1
Description: This is one item belonging to the set 'Set'.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,248,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Item2
Title: Item2
Description: This is one item belonging to the set 'Set'.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,192,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Item3
Title: Item3
Description: This is one item belonging to the set 'Set'.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,136,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Item4
Title: Item4
Description: This is one item belonging to the set 'Set'.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,80,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Close Set_module_
Variable Model_place__holder_
Title: Model place- holder 7L2B
Description: Shows that there is a need for a model, but it is not yet~~
defined explicitly. Colour 7L2B. Model prototype has the same meanin~~
g, either can be used depending on whether a node or a module is more~~
convenient. Colour 7L2B.
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 56,88,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 52429,65535,39321
Module Model_prototype
Title: Model prototype
Description: Shows that there is a need for a model, but it is not yet~~
defined explicitly. Colour 7L2B. Placeholder for a model has the sam~~
e meaning, either can be used depending on whether a node or a module~~
is more convenient. Colour 7L2B.
Author: mtad
Date: 16. Aprta 2003 12:56
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 56,32,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 52429,65535,39321
Close Model_prototype
Variable Question__lack_of_kn
Title: Question, Lack of information 5R1T
Description: A question or a lack of knowledge. An item that would be ~~
important in a model, but there is no information about its value and~~
it cannot therefore be used in calculations. Colour: 5R1T.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 56,272,1
Nodesize: 52,28
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Constant Constant1
Title: Constant
Description: Note: colour depends on the source of information and can~~
be that of original data, author judgement or causal node. Do NOT us~~
e the automatic colour (L2B3), because it is reserved for the argumen~~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,256,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Function Function_4r2b(param1)
Title: Function 4R2B
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,32,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Paramnames: param1
Button Button_7r1t
Title: Button~
Description: Actually I don't know what can be done with buttons (Joun~~
i Tuomisto 29.10.2003).
Nodelocation: 168,88,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,356,138,476,224
Determ Q_1
Title: Q (qualifier)~
Description: Shows the strength of an argument (or more precisely, the~~
strength of the data, warrant, and backing to support the argument).~~
There may be several pieces of data connected by several qualifiers ~~
to one argument (claim). Colour: automatic (8R3B).
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Determ Nuisance_parameter_7
Title: Nuisance parameter 7L1B
Description: This is used to emphasize that there is a lack of knowled~~
ge about this variable, but the variable is still important for under~~
standing causality. In a well-built model, the nuisance parameters ar~~
e cancelled out before the outcome, so that they do not affect the re~~
sult given the data used. E.g., we may want to model the human exposu~~
re to traffic emissions. We have an estimate about the relative contr~~
ibutions of the most important sources to the exposure, but we don't ~~
have absolute values from fate and dispersion models. Therefore, when~~
we want to express causal connections, we must
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 56,208,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Nodecolor: 58981,65535,52427
Variable Non_causal_node_8r2b
Title: Non-causal node 8R2B
Description: Non-causal nodes are used when the relation between nodes~~
is not causal. Ice cream consumption and drowning accidents are corr~~
elated (at least in Finland). One is not a cause of the other, but bo~~
th are affected by the outside temperature during summer. Non-causal ~~
connections can be used in models for deducting values for one node ~~
when the other is known. A typical example of this is a top-down mode~~
l, where we may have information on 1) total concentration of a pollu~~
tant and 2) source contribution of certain emission sources (as a fra~~
ction of total concentration). The source contribution is not a causa~~
l variable, it is merely an index of all (unknown) causal variables, ~~
but it can be used to estimate the concentration caused by a particul~~
ar emission source.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,200,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,587,271,476,412
Nodecolor: 39321,55707,65535
Close Less_important_node_
Variable Log_3
Title: Log 3
Description: 29.10.2003 Jouni Tuomisto~
This is the third version of the Help model. Originally it was planne~~
d that it would habe been included in each model as a linked module, ~~
but soon it was found that the link caused much more trouble than ben~~
efit. It is therefore used as a stand alone model. However, it may be~~
a good idea to embed it into each model using Copy (not Link).~
N:\huippuyksikko\tutkimus\mallit\TainioTheUsesOfArgument.ana (7.5.200~~
3) is closed and connected to this file in the module 'Argument struc~~
ure'. It is edited to reflect the current thinking about the argument~~
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 736,368,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,,0,
Windstate: 2,433,83,476,398
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Nodefont: Arial, 13
Objective Preference_8l4b
Title: Preference~
Description: A value or preference. Colour 8L4B.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 280,448,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 5,65535,1
Text Introduction_to_pyrk
Title: Introduction to pyrkilo diagrams
Description: Pyrkilo diagram method (or structured deliberation as it ~~
is sometimes called) has been developed to facilitate the Science-Pol~~
icy Interface.~
There is a need for methods facilitating the flow of information and ~~
understanding between science and policy. The principle is to describ~~
e a risk situation in a formal manner. Pyrkilo is an enhanced causal ~~
diagram that contains items along a causal pathway (or network) from ~~
e.g. abatement strategies to emissions to dispersion to exposure to e~~
ffects. It has been designed to describe also other than causal conne~~
ctions such as non-causal reasoning, values, preferences, and argumen~~
These diagrams use Analytica(TM) platform, a graphical Monte Carlo si~~
mulation program. It is based on nodes (or variables or objects). The~~
y are used to describe and define all the pieces needed for a descrip~~
tion of the situation under scrutiny. ~
Many nodes are used as described in Analytica manuals. However, there~~
are also special colours and shapes representing features that are i~~
mportant for pyrkilo diagrams. See Description of each node for more ~~
details. You can see the definitions and descriptions by clicking or ~~
double-clicking the nodes.
Nodelocation: 408,124,-1
Nodesize: 400,116
Windstate: 2,402,92,530,558
Constant Read_more_about_pyrk
Title: Read more about pyrkilo
Description: Understanding of a particular risk develops simultaneousl~~
y at various levels and using differently structured methods. At one ~~
end there is a "discussion layer": political and public discussions a~~
bout risks of a hazard with a wide interest on e.g. economical conseq~~
uences of available decision options, public health, and social justi~~
fication equity. This discussion is sometimes poorly structured and d~~
oes not give scientists or risk assessors clear questions that could ~~
be answered by scientific methods. At the other end there is a "model~~
ling layer": models dealing with specific questions such as air conce~~
ntrations of a pollutant from a specific source or risk-benefit analy~~
ses of particular actions. The models are complex and use several ass~~
umptions that are not abvious to outsiders.~
There is a need for methods facilitating the flow of information and ~~
understanding between the existing layers. Pyrkilo (from the Finnish ~~
word pyrkiä, to aim at) diagrams aim at offering an interface between~~
the two disciplines. The principle is to describe a risk situation i~~
n a formal manner. It is an enhanced causal diagram that contains ite~~
ms along the causal pathway (or network) from e.g. emissions to dispe~~
rsion to exposure to effects. It has been designed to describe also o~~
ther than causal connections such as values, preferences, and argumen~~
The pyrkilo method has several objecitves. The structure is relativel~~
y easily understandable and readable. It has a basic structure simila~~
r to but simpler than mathematical causal models. Translation into a ~~
natural language or mathematical model is relatively easy, as is requ~~
ired from an interface. The diagram is fast to build with little data~~
, and the critical parts of the diagram can subsequently be developed~~
into a full-scale model. It is easy to expand into new areas, as the~~
political discussion proceeds. Because of its structured and formal ~~
nature, it requires that many assumptions are made explicit unlike in~~
political rhetoric, and therefore it is easier to identify possibly ~~
illogical or conflicting issues. It can be used to explore the validi~~
ty or importance of an aspect before it is brought into the other dis~~
cipline of heavy modelling or political discourse.~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 736,328,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,54,111,572,686
Constant Argument_1
Title: Scope~
Description: A scope node is basically an argument. The bevel is used ~~
to enhance the fact that the argument is about the scope of the model~~
, (i.e. about the existence of a node or module). Colour: automatic (~~
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 280,336,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,1,
Nodecolor: 65535,31131,19661
Close Help1
Module Risks_from_farmed_an
Title: Risk-benefit model
Description: The model estimates the collateral effects of methylmercu~~
ry and DHA fatty acids on childs IQ. Source is Finnish fish consumpti~~
on. As methyl mercury and DHA fatty acids are mainly acquired from th~~
e same source (fish), studying collateral effects of these two substa~~
nces is warranted.
Author: Jouni Tuomisto
Date: 9. tamta 2004 20:14
Saveauthor: olex
Savedate: 25. Augta 2005 16:34
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 64,40,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
Diagstate: 1,923,3,357,500,17
Fontstyle: Arial, 13
Att__diagramprintsca: 97,1,1,0,2,1,2794,4312,0
Outlinerstate: 2,40,9,450,712
Include 0,Linkmodule Fish_consumption,2,2,-32766,0,MeHgvsn-3_4.ANA
Nodelocation Fish_consumption: 112,32,1
Nodesize Fish_consumption: 48,24
Module Dose_responses
Title: Exposure responses
Description: In this module you'll find the dose-responses of the meth~~
yl mercury and omega-3 fatty acids on IQ,
Author: olex
Date: Fri, Nov 24, 2006 8:48 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 112,320,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,1100,542,164,269,17
Module Erf_n3
Title: Exposure-~
response of DHA for IQ boost
Description: Here we construct the dose-response of DHA based on liter~~
Author: jtue
Date: 12. Janta 2004 8:51
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 64,64,1
Nodesize: 48,48
Diagstate: 1,336,72,364,258,17
Constant Cohen___
Title: Cohen 2005b
Description: The study estimates that increasing maternal docosahexaen~~
acid (DHA) intake by 100 mg/day increases child IQ by 0.13 points.~
IQ Points per Gram per Day Increase Maternal~
DHA Intake During Pregnancy~
Our methodology implies that the impact on IQ of a~
1-g/day increase in maternal DHA intake during pregnancy~
is equal to multiplied by 18% to 39%. Hence,~
a 1-g/day increase in DHA intake during pregnancy will~
increase the child’s IQ by 0.8 to 1.8 points. For the~
purpose of this analysis, it is assumed that the arithmetic~
mean of these values (1.3 IQ points) represents~
the central estimate.
Definition: Exprespdha
Nodelocation: 48,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,587,8,481,265
Reference: Cohen_et_al_2005b~
Variable Exprespdha
Title: Expresp DHA
Units: IQ points/100mg n-3
Description: 1 g/day increase in DHA intake during pregnancy will~
increase the child’s IQ by 0.8 to 1.8 points. For the~
purpose of this analysis, it is assumed that the arithmetic~
mean of these values (1.3 IQ points) represents~
the central estimate.~
Normal distribution assumption by author judgement. This is supposed ~~
to reflect a common effect of nature~
This node is used for further calculations in the other modules of th~~
e model.
Definition: var au:=0.18;~
var ac:=0.13;~
var al:=0.08;~
var sd:=(au-ac)/1.96;~
Nodelocation: 168,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,1,
Windstate: 2,56,465,476,318
Valuestate: 2,152,162,829,536,0,STAT
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Displayoutputs: Constant Is_there_other_sourc, Variable Unc_inputs
Reference: Cohen_et_al_2005b~~
Log: 14.9.2007 Olli Leino~
The data is for omega-3 fatty acids, not for DHA. This shlould be cha~~
Constant Is_there_other_sourc
Title: Are there other sources of DHA and what could be their effect t~~
o the model
Description: As an assumption, dose-response of DHA is linear at all d~~
ose ranges and DHA exposure from other sources does not affect to the~~
effect of DHA from intake of fish.
Nodelocation: 288,144,1
Nodesize: 48,55
Displayinputs: Variable Exprespdha
Constant Foetus_lacking_dha__
Title: Foetus lacking DHA from the mother
Description: If the foetus is not getting enough of the DHA, it may "s~~
teal" DHA from the mother to get enough DHA for the normal developmen~~
t. Should this be taken into account somehow.
Nodelocation: 56,41,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Reference: Anna Karjalainen. Manuscript of this study.
Close Erf_n3
Module Erf_pollutants
Title: Exposure-~
response of MeHg for IQ loss
Description: In this module the exposure-resopnse of the pollutants (M~~
eHg). is constructed.
Author: Pieta
Date: 16. tamta 2004 1:32
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 64,176,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Diagstate: 1,343,3,423,404,17
Constant Bjornberg_et_al
Title: Bjornberg_et_al
Description: MeHg in cord blood was significantly associated with T-Hg~~
in maternal hair ([R.sup.2] = 0.53; n = 126) (Figure 1), and both me~~
asures increased with increasing total consumption of seafood (r = 0.~~
41, p < 0.001, and r = 0.46, p < 0.001 for T-Hg in hair and MeHg in c~~
ord blood, respectively) (Figure 2).~
Nodelocation: 224,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Log: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0CYP/is_4_111/ai_102102837~~
Methyl mercury and inorganic mercury in Swedish pregnant women and in~~
cord blood: influence of fish consumption - Environmental Medicine
Constant Davidson_et_al
Title: Davidson_et_al
Description: Methyl mercury accounts for over 80% of the THg in hair s~~
amples collected from fish-eating populations.~
Nodelocation: 352,216,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,645,452,476,224
Reference: Davidson_et_al
Constant L
Title: Lebel_et_al
Description: Hair Hg concentrations (HHg), showed that villagers with ~~
a high fish diet (n=31; median HHg=16.1 ug/g) and mixed fish diet (n=~~
36; median HHg=14.8 ug/g) had significantly higher HHg concentrations~~
compared to the low fish diet group (n=29; mean HHg=7.8 ug/g).~
Hair mercury levels, assessed in human populations living in various ~~
areas of theBrazilian Amazon, are in the range of a few ug/g up to 30~~
0 ug/g, with median exposurevaluesin the orderof 2 ug/g up to + 20 ug~~
/g (Akagi et al., 1995; Maim et al., 1995b; Barbosa et al., 1995; Boi~~
schio et al., 1995; Grandjean et al., !993; Nakanishi, 1992;Lebel et ~~
al., 1996; Boischio et al., 1996).~
For the entire group, methylmercury constitued an average of 89.6% + ~~
3.0% of the total hair Hg, with a minimum value of 72.8% and a maximu~~
m of 93.6%.~
Exposure response function: see figure 3.
Nodelocation: 224,216,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,470,254,476,616
Reference: Lebel_et_al
Constant Bidone_et_al
Title: Bidone_et_al
Description: The general population is primarily exposed to Hg through~~
the diet. Fish and fish products are the dominant source of Hg in hu~~
man diet (WHO,1990). In this study the estimated average daily intake~~
of Hg reaches 48.0ìg.day -1. This value was obtained by multiplicati~~
on of 95th percentile upperbound estimate of mean Hg concentration co~~
nsidering all fish samples (240.0 ìg.kg-1 in this study) - as suggest~~
ed by USEPA (1989) - by local adult human ingestion rate, 0.2 kg.day-~~
1 (SUDEPE, 1988). The tolerable total Hg intake level recommended by ~~
the World Health Organization (Porcella, 1994) is 30 ìg.day-1.~
In the case of continuous exposure, the WHO (1990) suggests the use o~~
f a single-compartment model, through which the steady-state Hg conce~~
ntration in blood (C) in ìg.l-1 is related to the average daily dieta~~
ry intake (d) in ìg of Hg, as follows: C = 0.95 * d. It should be emp~~
hasized that single-compartment models refer to the “average” adult h~~
uman with a body weight of 70 Kg. Clearly, this model is only an appr~~
oximation to the more complex kinetics of Hg distribution and metabol~~
ism, a process which is known to follow multiphasic kinetics (Berlin,~~
Taken into account the calculated average Hg daily intake (d = 48 ƒÊg~~
.day-1), the estimated Hg levels in blood and in hair were respective~~
ly 45.6 ƒÊg.I-1 and 11.4 ƒÊg.g-1. The estimated hair Hg concentration~~
(11.4 ƒÊg.g-1) agree with the observed 16.6}10.5 ƒÊg.g-1 total Hg c~~
oncentration and the observed 15.2}10.5~
ƒÊg.g-1 MeHg concentration reported by Akagi et al. (1994) in hair sa~~
mples from 48 peoples from Jacareacanga area of the Tapajos river. Th~~
e chemical Hg speciation in hair samples indicated that ~ 88% of the ~~
total Hg concentrations were MeHg. The total Hg in hair reported by A~~
kagi et al. (1994) could be related~
Nodelocation: 64,88,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,488,486
Displayoutputs: Variable Table_2__page
Reference: Bidone_et_al
Constant Who1990
Title: WHO1990
Description: Lue! Google:
Nodelocation: 352,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,479,352
Reference: WH1990~
Constant Stern___smith
Title: Stern & Smith 2003
Description: Ratio relating cord blood Hg concentration to maternal bl~~
ood Hg concentration is implicitly used as 1.0.~
This analysis results in a recommended central tendency estimate of 1~~
.7, a coefficient of variation of 0.56, and a 95th percentile of 3.4.~~
By analogy to the impact of the similar hair:blood Hg ratio on the o~~
verall variability in the dose estimate, incorporation of the cord:ma~~
ternal ratio may support a 3-fold uncertainty factor adjustment to th~~
e central tendency estimate of dose to account for pharmacokinetic va~~
Thus, for the primary (n-weighted)~
meta-analysis, the maximum-likelihood estimate~
gives a log-normal distribution with a~
mean of 1.7 and an SD of 0.9, and for the~
alternative (unweighted) analysis, the ratio can~
be described as a log-normal distribution with~
a mean of 1.9 and an SD of 1.1.~
Read 8.3.2008
Definition: lognormal(1.9,1.1)~
Nodelocation: 224,88,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,729,125,513,419
Valuestate: 2,456,466,416,303,1,PDFP
Reference: Stern_&_Smith2003
Module Bidone_et_al1
Title: Exposure response Calculations 1&2
Description: Two separate exposure-response functions constructed with~~
Axelrad 2007and Cohen 2005.
Author: olex
Date: Wed, Jul 25, 2007 8:43 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 64,176,1
Nodesize: 52,38
Diagstate: 1,201,-11,698,809,17
Diagramcolor: 52428,52428,52428
Variable Table_2__page
Title: Table 2, page 198
Description: Estimated average Hg daily intake is 95 percent upper con~~
fidence limit on the arithmetric mean
Definition: Table(Param,Units1)(~
Nodelocation: 592,576,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,286,460,475,280
Defnstate: 2,326,194,665,316,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,680,287,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Reformdef: [Units1,Param]
Reformval: [Units1,Param]
Displayinputs: Constant Bidone_et_al
Reference: Bidone_et_al
Index Param
Title: Param
Definition: ['Hg concentration in fish','Estimated average daily intak~~
e of Hg','Estimated blood Hg concentration','Estimated hair Hg concen~~
tration','Observed hair Hg concentration']
Nodelocation: 592,608,1
Nodesize: 52,12
Windstate: 2,59,248,476,224
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Hg concentration in fish','Estimated ave~~
rage daily intake of Hg','Estimated blood Hg concentration','Estimate~~
d hair Hg concentration','Observed hair Hg concentration']}
Index Units1
Title: Units
Definition: ['Value','Units']
Nodelocation: 584,632,1
Nodesize: 52,12
Windstate: 2,96,159,476,224
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Value','Units']}
Variable Expintoblood
Title: Exposure into blood
Units: ug/l
Description: New:~
See submodule Single compartment model found in this module.~
This transforms exposure to blood concentration as follors:~
In the case of continuous exposure, the WHO (1990) suggests the use o~~
f a single-compartment model, through which the steady-state Hg conce~~
ntration in blood (C) in ug/l is related to the average daily dietary~~
intake (d) in ug of Hg, as follows: C = 0.95 * d.~
where d=average daily dietary intake of mercury~
Definition: Total_exposure2[Substances='Methylmercury']*bw*Single_comp~~
Nodelocation: 312,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,360,140,705,403
Valuestate: 2,203,294,423,602,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Reformval: [Gen_preg,Sys_localindex('SPECIES')]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fishspecies
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Substances,1,Sys_localindex('SPECIES'),~~
Variable Blood_to_hair
Title: Blood to hair using consumption scenarios
Units: ug/g
Description: Total hair mercury was converted to blood mercury for the~~
New Zealand and Seychilles Island studies using a 250:1 ratio and ~~
an assumption of equivalent maternal and cord levels.~
Alternative approach (with variability)~
Ref #1:~
Median = 190, 90% CI = 74–442~
1) Lognormal distribution assumption:~
var ex:=Expintoblood;~
var sd:= ((442-74)/2)/1.6449; {standard deviation}~
var no:=lognormal(mean: 190, stddev: sd);~
var di:=ex*no;~
if no<0 then 0 else no~
2) Triangular distribution assumption:~
var ex:=Expintoblood;~
Definition: Exposure_into_blood*Blood_hair_ratio~
Nodelocation: 400,456,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,555,110,498,512
Valuestate: 2,570,388,402,347,0,STAT
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Blood_to_hair:1,,0,,,,,0,1}
Reformval: [Undefined,Fish,Undefined,Undefined,1]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fishspecies, Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,3,Fish,0,Sys_local~~
Reference: Reference #1:~
Variation included in the estimate:~
Budtz-Jorgensen et al_2004
Log: 14.9.2007 Olli Lein~
Check the units ug/l -> ug/g???
Variable Iq_effects
Title: Exp-Resp by Cohen2005
Units: IQ pts/1ug/g MeHg in hai
Description: Study (REF #1) finds that prenatal MeHg exposure sufficie~~
nt to~
increase the concentration of mercury in maternal hair at parturition~~
by 1 ug/g decreases IQ by 0.7 points. This paper identifies importan~~
t sources of uncertainty influencing this estimate, concluding that t~~
he plausible range of values for this loss is 0 to 1.5 IQ points.~
Triangular distribution with the parameters values introduced above (~~
mean = -0.7, max = -1.5, min = 0) by Author judgement.~
Result (24.7.2007) = 0.2501 means that methylmercury exposure from do~~
mestic fish consumption decreases IQ of children by 0.2501 points.~
These are actually already health effects because exposures are multi~~
plied in this node. This node is used for further calculations in the~~
other modules of the model.
Definition: Cohen*Blood_to_hair
Nodelocation: 448,592,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,1,
Windstate: 2,524,12,506,525
Valuestate: 2,404,305,626,468,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Reformval: [Undefined,Fish,1]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,4,Fish,1]}
Reference: ~
REF #!~
Axwlrad a~
Variable Axelrad
Title: Axelrad
Units: IQ pts per ppm inc MeHg
Description: REF#2:~
We find a central estimate of –0.18 IQ points (95% confidence interva~~
l, –0.378 to –0.009) for each parts per million increase of maternal ~~
hair mercury, similar to the estimates for both the Faroe Islands and~~
Seychelles studies, and lower in magnitude than the estimate for the~~
New Zealand study. Sensitivity analyses produce similar results, wit~~
h the IQ coefficient central estimate ranging from –0.13 to –0.25. NO~~
TE conversion from total mercury to methyl mercury taken into account~~
in the calculation as well (factor 1/Mehg_proportion).~
Definition: Table(Percentile)(~
Nodelocation: 168,232,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,211,431,476,224
Defnstate: 2,592,169,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,557,25,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Reformval: [Undefined,Percentile,Undefined,Undefined,1]
Reference: REF#2~
Axwlrad a
Index Percentile
Title: Percentile
Definition: ['0.975 fractile','0.025 fractile','central']
Nodelocation: 168,264,1
Nodesize: 48,12
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['0.975 fractile','0.025 fractile','centra~~
Variable Iq_change
Title: Exp resp by Axelrad2007
Description: IQ change due to methylmercury exposure from fish consump~~
tion. Normal distribution chosen by AJ to describe the uncertainty in~~
exposure-response function,~
These are actually already health effects because exposures are multi~~
plied in this node. This node is used for further calculations in the~~
other modules of the model.
Definition: Axelraddistribution*Blood_to_hair
Nodelocation: 168,592,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,1,
Windstate: 2,297,138,477,369
Valuestate: 2,393,377,586,443,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Undefined,Fish,1]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,3,Fish,1]}
Variable Cohen
Title: Cohen
Units: IQ pts per ppm inc MeHg
Description: Study (REF #1) finds that prenatal MeHg exposure sufficie~~
nt to~
increase the concentration of mercury in maternal hair at parturition~~
by 1 ug/g decreases IQ by 0.7 points. This paper identifies importan~~
t sources of uncertainty influencing this estimate, concluding that t~~
he plausible range of values for this loss is 0 to 1.5 IQ points.
Definition: Triangular( 0, 0.7, 1.5 )
Nodelocation: 448,240,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,625,514,416,303,0,STAT
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Displayoutputs: Variable Unc_inputs
Reference: Cohen2005a
Module Single_compartment_m
Title: Single compartment model
Description: EPA and WHO suggest using single-compartment model with s~~
teady-state assumption. The nodes on the right are the input paramete~~
rs for the singel-compartment model.
Author: olex
Date: Mon, Apr 07, 2008 10:23 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 312,240,1
Nodesize: 52,32
Diagstate: 1,303,133,550,300,17
Variable Single_compartment
Title: Single-compartment model
Description: EPA chose one-compartment model for the dose conversion f~~
or this RfD. This model has shown reasonably good fit to data on merc~~
ury blood-level changes in human subjects during and after consumptio~~
n of methylmercury-contaminated fish (Ginsberg and Toal, 2000).~
d = c x b x V / A x f ~
=> c = A x f x d / b x V
Definition: var a:=(A*F)/(B*V);~
if a>=1 then 1 else a
Nodelocation: 96,128,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,577,368,476,316
Valuestate: 2,185,162,1041,669,0,MEAN
Reference: http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/0073.htm~
(Ginsberg and Toal, 2000).
Chance B
Title: Elimination constant
Description: Elimination constant b~
Currently, five studies report clearance half-times for methylmercury~~
from blood or hair: Miettinen et al. (1971), Kershaw et al. (1980), ~~
Al-Shahristani et al. (1974), Sherlock et al. (1984), and Smith et al~~
. (1994).~
Range of estimates is (0.011 and 0.014 1/day) . In this assessment t~~
he value of 0.014 days-1 was used for b in the dose conversion follow~~
ing the practise of the EPA .
Definition: Uniform( 0.01, 0.014 )
Nodelocation: 240,40,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,107,91,476,224
Displayoutputs: Variable Unc_inputs
Reference: http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/0073.htm
Variable A
Title: Absorbtion factor
Description: Absorbtion factor A~
An absorption factor of 0.95 was used as in the Mercury Study Report ~~
to Congress (U.S. EPA, 1997).
Definition: 0.95
Nodelocation: 240,104,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,168,178,416,303,0,MIDM
Reference: http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/0073.htm
Chance F
Title: Absorbed dose
Description: Fraction of the absorbed dose that is found in the blood ~~
The median value was 5.9%
Definition: uniform(0.05,0.059)
Nodelocation: 240,168,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Displayoutputs: Variable Unc_inputs
Reference: http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/0073.htm
Chance V
Title: Blood volume
Description: Blood volumes V~
Whole-blood volumes in the third trimester ranged from 4 to 6 L; the ~~
mean and median were both 5 L. Therefore a normal distribution select~~
ed to describe the blood volume of a mother (Median 5, 95% CI 4-6).~
Transformations to calculate SD:~
Definition: var au:=6;~
var al:=-4;~
var ac:=5;~
var sd:=(au-ac)/1.96;~
Nodelocation: 240,232,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,485,335
Valuestate: 2,349,177,849,630,0,CONF
Displayoutputs: Variable Unc_inputs
Reference: http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/0073.htm~
Swartout and Rice (2000)
Close Single_compartment_m
Text Te16
Description: Some additional information
Nodelocation: 600,592,-1
Nodesize: 68,84
Variable Axelraddistribution
Title: Axelrad distribution
Units: IQ pts per ppm inc MeHg
Description: Formation of distribution using the data node.~
Definition: var au:= Axelrad[Percentile='0.975 fractile'];~
var al:= Axelrad[Percentile='0.025 fractile'];~
var ac:= Axelrad[Percentile='central'];~
var b:= (au-al)/2/1.96; {standard deviation}~
var no:=normal(ac,b); {normal distribution}~
if no<0 then 0 else no {no values below zero for sample}~
Nodelocation: 168,320,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,482,497,498,339
Valuestate: 2,106,266,1043,394,1,STAT
Displayoutputs: Variable Unc_inputs
Variable E_r_cohen_with_sc_mo
Title: E-R Cohen Fish intake IQ children
Units: IQ pts/ppm inc MeHg
Description: Jaetaan 250 (blood to hair), jaetaan singecompartment mod~~
el (0.8007), kerrotaan annosvaste Cohen ja saadaan annos-vaste "kalan~~
syönti - lapsen IQ"
Definition: Cohen/250/Single_compartment
Nodelocation: 448,80,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Variable E_r_axelrad_with_sc_
Title: E-R Axelrad Fish intake - IQ children
Units: IQ pts/ppm inc MeHg
Description: Jaetaan 250 (blood to hair), jaetaan singecompartment mod~~
el (0.8007), kerrotaan annosvaste Axelrad ja saadaan annos-vaste "kal~~
ansyönti - lapsen IQ"
Definition: Axelraddistribution/Single_compartment/250
Nodelocation: 168,80,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 2,163,482,476,224
Valuestate: 2,537,60,745,568,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange E_r_axelrad_with_sc_:1,,0,,,,,~~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,0,1,,,,0,6}~
{!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim:6}
Reformval: [Undefined,Gen_preg,Undefined,Undefined,1]
Chance Blood_hair_ratio
Title: Blood-hair-ratio
Description: WHO determined that “the concentration of mercury~
in hair is approximately 250 times the concentration in blood”; howev~~
er, this relationship varies between populations and ratios from 140 ~~
to 370 have been reported~
(WHO/IPCS, 2004)
Definition: Triangular( 140, 250, 370 )
Nodelocation: 320,600,1
Nodesize: 52,24
Windstate: 2,566,165,476,224
Valuestate: 2,193,381,416,303,1,PDFP
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,1,1,,,,0,~~
{!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim:6}
Displayoutputs: Variable Unc_inputs
Variable Exposure_into_blood
Title: Exposure into blood using consumption scenarios
Description: Total_exposure2[Substances='Methylmercury']*bw*Single_com~~
Definition: Exposure_to_mehg_dha[Substance='MeHg']*bw*Single_compartme~~
Nodelocation: 392,328,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Valuestate: 2,156,249,416,303,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Consumption_scenario,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Substance,1,Fish,1,Consumption_scenario~~
Variable Exposure_into_blood_
Title: Exposure into blood using hypothetical meal frequencies
Definition: Exposure_hypothetic[Substance='MeHg']*bw*Single_compartmen~~
Nodelocation: 272,336,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Valuestate: 2,2,-2,732,303,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Consumptionfrequency,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,3,Fish,1,Number,1]~~
Variable Blood_to_hair_using
Title: Blood to hair using hypothetical meal frequencies
Description: Exposure_into_blood*Blood_hair_ratio
Definition: Exposure_into_blood_*Blood_hair_ratio
Nodelocation: 272,464,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Valuestate: 2,211,52,771,331,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Consumptionfrequency,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,3,Fish,1,Number,1]~~
Variable Mehg_risk_using_axel
Title: MeHg risk using Axelrad2007
Description: Axelraddistribution*Blood_to_hair
Definition: Axelraddistribution*Blood_to_hair_using
Nodelocation: 88,464,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Valuestate: 2,390,68,825,303,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Consumptionfrequency,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,2,Fish,1,Consumpti~~
Variable Mehg_risk_using_cohe
Title: MeHg risk using Cohen2005
Description: Cohen*Blood_to_hair
Definition: Cohen*Blood_to_hair_using
Nodelocation: 528,464,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Valuestate: 2,383,-12,875,308,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Consumptionfrequency,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,3,Fish,1,Number,1]~~
Text Te29
Description: Axelrad et al. is deemed the~
most reliable source for E-R WHO 2008
Nodelocation: 72,253,-1
Nodesize: 48,61
Variable Who_approach
Title: WHO approach
Description: In this node we should first calculate maternal hair MeHg~~
concentration with mean and SD. Then we can use the equation demonst~~
rated in the reference which is based on WHO 2008 guideline document.~~
By this we could calculate the amount of population with more than 2 ~~
ug/g MeHg concentration and use the approach presented in WHO 2008. P~~
resumably, most of the Finns are under the class 2ug/g and the result~~
would be appropriate using only this group.
Nodelocation: 600,240,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,511,379
Reference: WHO 2008 approach~
Here is the model for calculation new MMR cases, according to WHO met~~
Population fraction o~~
ver a concentration - model~
Close Bidone_et_al1
Constant Mmwr
Title: MMWR
Description: 1)~
The NRC committee summarized some studies that suggest that cord bloo~~
d values may be 20%--30% higher than corresponding maternal blood lev~~
els. However, other studies suggest that the ratio is closer to 1:1~
The geometric mean total blood Hg concentration for all women aged 16~~
--49 years and children aged 1--5 years was 1.2 ppb and 0.3 ppb, resp~~
ectively; the 90th percentile of blood Hg for women and children was ~~
6.2 ppb and 1.4 ppb, respectively (Table 1). Almost all inorganic Hg ~~
levels were undetectable; therefore, these measures indicate blood me~~
thylmercury levels. The 90th percentile of hair Hg for women and chil~~
dren was 1.4 ppm and 0.4 ppm, respectively. Geometric mean values wer~~
e not calculated for hair Hg values.
Nodelocation: 352,88,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,481,321
Reference: MMWR~
Constant Bj_rnberg_et_al2003
Title: Björnberg et al2005
Description: 1)~
The concentrations of Hg in hair and blood, and Se~
in serum are given in Table 2. As expected, hair T-Hg~
was associated with blood MeHg (rs=0.78; pb0.001)~
and both hair T-Hg (rs=0.32; p=0.001; Fig. 1) and~
blood MeHg (rs=0.37; pb0.001) increased with~
increasing total consumption of fish.~
Read 8.3.2008
Nodelocation: 224,288,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,485,305
Reference: Björnberg_et_al2003~
Variable Blood_hair
Title: Blood hair
Description: The blood-to-hair ratio in humans is about 1 to 250,~
but appreciable individual differences have been found~
(Table 6).~
In general, the concentration in~
hair is 250 times the simultaneous concentration in blood.~
Once mercury is incorporated into a hair strand, that hair~
mercury concentration remains unchanged. Thus, longitudi-~
nal measurement of mercury in hair provides a recapitu-~
lation of methylmercury levels in blood.~
Definition: 250
Nodelocation: 472,80,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,610,44,476,224
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Reference: WHO 1990. http://www.inchem.org/documents/ehc/ehc/ehc101.ht~~
Constant Axelrad_et_al
Title: Axelrad_et_al
Description: REF#2:~
We find a central estimate of –0.18 IQ points (95% confidence interva~~
l, –0.378 to –0.009) for each parts per million increase of maternal ~~
hair mercury, similar to the estimates for both the Faroe Islands and~~
Seychelles studies, and lower in magnitude than the estimate for the~~
New Zealand study. Sensitivity analyses produce similar results, wit~~
h the IQ coefficient central estimate ranging from –0.13 to –0.25. ~
HUOM mercury EI methyl mercury~
Nodelocation: 592,280,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Displayoutputs: Variable Cord_blood
Reference: REF#2~
Axwlrad a
Variable Cord_blood
Title: cord blood
Description: REF#1:~
Assuming a ratio of mercury in cord blood to maternal blood equal to~
1.7 (Stern and Smith 2003)].~
group of Japanese women the average ratio of cord~
blood to maternal blood methylmercury concentration ranged~
from 0.8 to 2.8, with a mean of 1.65 (Suzuki et al.,~
Distribution by AJ
Definition: var au:=2.8;~
var al:=0.8;~
var ac:=1.65;~
var s:=(au-al)/2/1.96;~
var no:=normal(ac,s);~
Nodelocation: 472,280,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,479,375
Valuestate: 2,456,466,416,303,1,MEAN
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Displayinputs: Constant Axelrad_et_al
Reference: REF#1~
Axwlrad a
Module Old1
Title: Old
Description: Some old nodes not used in further calculations.
Author: olex
Date: Tue, Mar 11, 2008 10:05 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 352,288,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,220,157,550,300,17
Constant Cohen_2005a
Title: Cohen 2005a
Description: Prenatal MeHg exposure sufficient to~
increase the concentration of mercury in maternal hair at parturition~~
by 1 ug/g decreases~
IQ by 0.7 points. This paper identifies important sources of uncertai~~
nty influencing this~
estimate, concluding that the plausible range of values for this loss~~
is 0 to 1.5 IQ points.~
var au:= Axelrad[Percentile='0.975 fractile'];~
var al:= Axelrad[Percentile='0.025 fractile'];~
var ac:= Axelrad[Percentile='central'];~
var b:= -(au-al)/2/1.96; {standard deviation}~
Definition: var au:= 1.5;~
var al:= 0;~
var ac:= 0.7;~
var b:= (au-al)/2/1.96; {standard deviation}~
var no:=normal(ac,b);~
Nodelocation: 96,48,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,369,255,495,468
Valuestate: 2,193,111,416,303,1,MEAN
Aliases: Alias Cohen_2005a1
Reference: Cohen_et_al_2005a~
Constant Mahaffey_and_mergler
Title: Mahaffey_and_Mergler.pdf
Description: This gives correlation between fish consumption and mercu~~
ry in blood.
Nodelocation: 96,48,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Aliases: Alias Mahaffey_and_mergle2
Displayoutputs: Variable Table1, Index Category
Reference: Mahaffey_and_Mergler
Constant Rice
Title: Rice2003
Description: In its analyses, the NRC assumed a ratio of 250:1 to conv~~
ert from~
maternal hair to maternal blood, with no estimate of variance.~
The EPA used a onecompartment~
pharmacokinetic model to convert cord~
blood (or maternal hair) to maternal intake,~
d =C x b x V/(A x f x bw)~
where C=(BMDL), b=maternal elimination constant~
(0.014/days), V=maternal blood volume (5 L), A=fraction~
ofabsorbed intake (0.95), f =fraction of absorbed~
dose in blood (0.059), and bw=maternal body weight~
(67 kg). There are numerous sources of uncertainty~
associated with this conversion.
Nodelocation: 96,48,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Aliases: Alias Rice1
Displayoutputs: Variable Ingestion_bmdl
Reference: Rice_2004
Module Rice2003
Title: Exposure response Calculation 3
Author: olex
Date: Tue, Jul 24, 2007 8:22 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 464,144,1
Nodesize: 52,29
Diagstate: 1,10,204,560,412,17
Objective Exp_resp_hg
Title: Exposure-Response MeHg
Units: IQ pts / ug/g incr hair
Description: What is the dose-response from mercury in hair/blood and~~
IQ loss?~
Reference #1~
Study (REF #1) finds that prenatal MeHg exposure sufficient to~
increase the concentration of mercury in maternal hair at parturition~~
by 1 ug/g decreases IQ by 0.7 points. This paper identifies importan~~
t sources of uncertainty influencing this estimate, concluding that t~~
he plausible range of values for this loss is 0 to 1.5 IQ points.~
Reference #2~
We find a central estimate of –0.18 IQ points (95% confidence interva~~
l, –0.378 to –0.009) for each parts per million increase of maternal ~~
hair mercury, This study combines data from three major studies (New ~~
Zealand, Seychilles and Faroe Island).~
Result (24.7.2007) = -0.2388 means that methylmercury exposure from d~~
omestic fish consumption decreases IQ of children by 0.2388 points.
Definition: Cohen_2005a*Bloodhair
Nodelocation: 112,224,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,523,239,480,453
Valuestate: 2,58,214,416,303,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Reference: #1~
Virtanen JK, Voutilainen S, Rissanen TH, Mursu J, Tuomainen T-M, Korh~~
onen MJ, Valkonen V-P, Seppänen K, Laukkanen JA, Salonen JT: Mercury,~~
fish oils, and risk of acute coronary events and cardiovascular dise~~
ase, coronary heart desease, and all-cause mortality in men in easter~~
n finland. Asterochelrosis, thrombosis and vascular biology.
Variable Fish_blood
Title: Exposure->~
blood conc
Units: ug/d / ppb
Description: What is a exposure-response function for fish MeHg to hai~~
r MeHg?~
{Arbitrary example: 0.02 ug MeHg consumption increases hair concentra~~
Reference #1~
This gives the correlation from fish consumption to BLOOD mercury lev~~
els. With the relation between blood and hair mercury level, this cou~~
ld give the solution. Answer 250:1~
Level of fish consumption Mean value 10th and 90th percentiles 25th a~~
nd 75th percentiles Number of observations~
Category I, no fish consumption 2.0 0Ð4.3 0.8Ð3.2 223~
Category II,(2 fish meals/week 4.8 2.4Ð7.2 3.5Ð6.1 39~
Category III, [2Ð4 fish meals/week 8.4 2.6-14.2 5.4-11.4 658~
Category IV, [4 fish meals/week 44.4 6.1-82.7 24.4-64.4 613~
Category V, unknown fish consumption 5.8 1.2-10.4 3.4-8.2 3182~
Reference #2}~
Definition: Parametric_ratio*bw
Nodelocation: 368,224,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,542,283,495,485
Valuestate: 2,177,558,416,303,0,MEAN
Reference: Mahaffey_and_Mergler
Variable Ingestion_bmdl
Title: Ingestion-~
Definition: Table(Studies,Factor)(~
Nodelocation: 112,104,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Defnstate: 2,269,144,661,478,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,40,50,667,531,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Reformdef: [Factor,Studies]
Reformval: [Factor,Studies]
Displayinputs: Constant Rice
Index Studies
Title: Studies/tests
Definition: ['Faroes(BNT)_Whole cohort','Faroes(BNT)_PCB adjusted','Fa~~
roes(BNT)_Lowest PCB','Faroes(CPT)_Whole cohort','Faroes(CPT)_PCB adj~~
usted','Faroes(CPT)_Lowest PCB','Faroes(CVLT)_Whole cohort','Faroes(C~~
VLT)_PCB adjusted','Faroes(CVLT)_Lowest PCB','Faroes(Finger tap)_Whol~~
e cohort','Faroes(Finger tap)_PCB adjusted','Faroes(Finger tap)_Lowes~~
t PCB','Faroes(geometric mean)_Whole cohort','Faroes(geometric mean)_~~
PCB adjusted','Faroes(geometric mean)_Lowest PCB','Faroes(Smoothed va~~
lues_BNT','Faroes(Smoothed values_CPT','Faroes(Smoothed values_CVLT',~~
'Faroes(Smoothed values_Finger tap','Faroes(Smoothed values_MCCPP New~~
','Zealand_MCPT New','Faroes(median)','New Zealand(median)','Integrat~~
ive(All endpoints)']
Nodelocation: 104,136,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Valuestate: 2,40,50,431,554,0,MIDM
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Faroes(BNT)_Whole cohort','Faroes(BNT)_P~~
CB adjusted','Faroes(BNT)_Lowest PCB','Faroes(CPT)_Whole cohort','Far~~
oes(CPT)_PCB adjusted','Faroes(CPT)_Lowest PCB','Faroes(CVLT)_Whole c~~
ohort','Faroes(CVLT)_PCB adjusted','Faroes(CVLT)_Lowest PCB','Faroes~~
(Finger tap)_Whole cohort','Faroes(Finger tap)_PCB adjusted','Faroes(~~
Finger tap)_Lowest PCB','Faroes(geometric mean)_Whole cohort','Faroes~~
(geometric mean)_PCB adjusted','Faroes(geometric mean)_Lowest PCB','F~~
aroes(Smoothed values_BNT','Faroes(Smoothed values_CPT','Faroes(Smoot~~
hed values_CVLT','Faroes(Smoothed values_Finger tap','Faroes(Smoothe~~
d values_MCCPP New','Zealand_MCPT New','Faroes(median)','New Zealand(~~
median)','Integrative(All endpoints)']}
Index Factor
Title: Factor
Definition: ['BMDL_mercury_cord blood(ppb)','Ingested_dose(ug/kg/day)'~~
Nodelocation: 96,160,1
Nodesize: 48,12
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['BMDL_mercury_cord blood(ppb)','Ingested_~~
Alias Rice1
Title: Rice2003
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 112,32,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Original: Rice
Variable Ratio
Title: Ratio
Units: ug/kg/d / ppb
Description: Ratio of exposure and BMDL mercury blood level according ~~
to test.
Definition: var a:=Ingestion_bmdl[Factor='BMDL_mercury_cord blood(ppb)~~
var b:=Ingestion_bmdl[Factor='Ingested_dose(ug/kg/day)'];~
Nodelocation: 240,104,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,280,369,476,224
Valuestate: 2,351,33,807,722,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Factor,Studies]
Variable Parametric_ratio
Title: Ratio with uncertainty
Units: ug/kg/d / ppb
Description: Ratio with uniform distribution applied (autrhor judgemen~~
Definition: uniform(min(Ratio),max(Ratio))
Nodelocation: 368,104,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,40,50,416,303,0,MEAN
Variable Bloodhair
Title: Blood conc->~
Hair conc
Units: -
Description: Total hair mercury was converted to blood mercury for the~~
New Zealand and Seychilles Island studies using a 250:1 ratio and ~~
an assumption of equivalent maternal and cord levels.
Definition: (250/1)*Fish_blood
Nodelocation: 240,224,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Displayinputs: Variable Katso_bidonen_blood_
Alias Cohen_2005a1
Title: Cohen 2005a
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 112,288,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Original: Cohen_2005a
Variable Katso_bidonen_blood_
Title: Katso Bidonen blood-hair
Nodelocation: 240,312,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Nodecolor: 65535,65531,1
Displayoutputs: Variable Bloodhair
Close Rice2003
Constant Kesken___________
Title: Tarkistusta Dose response calculation 4 erityisesti, lue moduli~~
n lähteet läpi
Nodelocation: 240,184,1
Nodesize: 48,72
Nodecolor: 65535,1,1
Displayoutputs: Variable Table1
Module Mahaffey_and_mergle1
Title: Exposure response Calculation 4
Author: olex
Date: Wed, Jul 25, 2007 8:43 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 464,48,1
Nodesize: 52,29
Diagstate: 1,60,284,944,454,17
Alias Mahaffey_and_mergle2
Title: Mahaffey_and_Mergler.pdf
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 112,48,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Original: Mahaffey_and_mergler
Variable Table1
Title: Table 7, page 109
Units: Tot Hg in blood ug/l
Description: How could the exposure be defined quantitatively by this ~~
table as fish consumption is defined by category. Assumptions: one me~~
al is 227g and average fish MeHg applied, then we could get numerical~~
exposure estimate.
Definition: Table(Category,Parametric)(~
Nodelocation: 112,128,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,601,69,476,224
Defnstate: 2,107,302,788,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,12,13,770,248,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Reformdef: [Parametric,Category]
Reformval: [Category,Parametric]
Displayinputs: Constant Mahaffey_and_mergler, Constant Kesken___________~~
Reference: Mahaffey_and_Mergler
Index Category
Title: Category
Definition: ['No fish consumption','<2 times per week','2-4 times per ~~
week','>4 times per week','Unknown fish consumption']
Nodelocation: 112,160,1
Nodesize: 52,12
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
Displayinputs: Constant Mahaffey_and_mergler
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['No fish consumption','<2 times per week'~~
,'2-4 times per week','>4 times per week','Unknown fish consumption']~~
Index Parametric
Title: Parametric
Definition: ['Mean','10 percentile','90 percentile','25 percentile','7~~
5 percentile','Number of observations']
Nodelocation: 104,184,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,224
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Mean','10 percentile','90 percentile','~~
25 percentile','75 percentile','Number of observations']}
Variable Density_of_blood
Title: Density of blood
Units: kg/m¨3
Description: Data of table1 is expressed in ug/l. To transform it to u~~
g/kg, we must use the density of the blood. So, one liter of blood we~~
ighs 1.06 kg. This has a small effect on the calculations in this mod~~
Definition: 1060
Nodelocation: 112,248,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Graph1
Title: Graph
Description: From excel sheet (see reference) we get:~
Blood concentration = 0.0332 * fish consumption~
R^2= 0.7373
Definition: Table(Consumption,Concentration)(~
Table1[Category='No fish consumption', Parametric='Mean'],~
Table1[Category='<2 times per week', Parametric='Mean'],~
Table1[Category='2-4 times per week', Parametric='Mean'],~
Table1[Category='>4 times per week', Parametric='Mean']~
Nodelocation: 256,128,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,224
Defnstate: 2,8,363,1250,163,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,40,50,416,303,1,MIDM
Reformdef: [Consumption,Concentration]
Reformval: [Consumption,Concentration]
Reference: Machaf~~
fey graph
Index Consumption
Title: Consumption
Units: g/week
Definition: ['0','227','681','1041']
Nodelocation: 256,160,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,384,548,476,224
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['0','227','681','1041']}
Index Concentration
Title: Concentration
Units: ug/l
Definition: ['Concentrations']
Nodelocation: 248,184,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,563,526,476,224
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Concentrations']}
Variable Exp__blood
Title: Exp->Blood
Definition: sum(Exposure[Substances='Methylmercury'],fishspecies)/7*Sl~~
Nodelocation: 384,248,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,513,295,418,433,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Substances,Fishspecies]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fishspecies
Variable Slope
Title: Slope of the graph
Description: From the excel sheet (see reference):~
Definition: 0.332
Nodelocation: 248,248,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Reference: Machaf~~
fey graph
Variable Blood__hair1
Title: Blood->Hair
Description: Total hair mercury was converted to blood mercury for the~~
New Zealand and Seychilles Island studies using a 250:1 ratio and ~~
an assumption of equivalent maternal and cord levels.
Definition: 250*Exp__blood
Nodelocation: 512,248,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,200,210,416,303,0,MEAN
Variable Hair__iq1
Title: Hair->IQ
Definition: Triangular( -1.5, -0.7, 0 )*Blood__hair1
Nodelocation: 640,248,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Module Old
Title: Old nodes
Author: olex
Date: Wed, Jul 25, 2007 10:28 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 256,40,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Quantified
Title: Quantified fish consumption
Units: g/week
Description: This node transfers class-defined data to grams of fish c~~
Definition: Table(Quantification)(~
Nodelocation: 48,24,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 2,376,408,476,224
Defnstate: 2,346,610,739,155,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,348,381,820,197,0,MIDM
Index Quantification
Title: Quantification
Definition: ['<2','2-4','>4']
Nodelocation: 48,24,1
Nodesize: 48,12
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['<2','2-4','>4']}
Variable Portion
Title: Portion size
Units: g
Description: Average size of a portion
Definition: 227
Nodelocation: 48,32,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Ratios
Title: Ratio blood conc to exp
Units: ug/kg / g/week
Description: The relationship of total mercury exposure and fish consu~~
Definition: Table(Points)(~
(Table1[Category='<2 times per week', Parametric='Mean']/Quantified[Q~~
uantification='<2']),(Table1[Category='2-4 times per week', Parametri~~
c='Mean']/Quantified[Quantification='2-4']),(Table1[Category='>4 time~~
s per week', Parametric='Mean']/Quantified[Quantification='>4']))
Nodelocation: 48,32,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,131,337,476,224
Defnstate: 2,90,584,870,202,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,488,498,416,303,1,MIDM
Reformval: [Quantification,Points]
Index Points
Title: points
Definition: ['Low cons','Moderate cons','High cons']
Nodelocation: 48,24,1
Nodesize: 48,12
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Low cons','Moderate cons','High cons']}
Variable Expblood
Title: Ratio exp-> Blood conc
Units: g/week / ug/kg
Definition: 1/Ratios
Nodelocation: 48,24,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,56,574,416,303,0,MEAN
Variable Blood__hair
Title: Blood->Hair
Units: ug/g / g/week
Description: Total hair mercury was converted to blood mercury for the~~
New Zealand and Seychilles Island studies using a 250:1 ratio and ~~
an assumption of equivalent maternal and cord levels.
Definition: Ratios*250/1000
Nodelocation: 48,32,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,296,306,416,303,0,MEAN
Variable Hair__iq
Title: Hair->IQ
Description: Study (REF #1) finds that prenatal MeHg exposure sufficie~~
nt to~
increase the concentration of mercury in maternal hair at parturition~~
by 1 ug/g decreases IQ by 0.7 points. This paper identifies importan~~
t sources of uncertainty influencing this estimate, concluding that t~~
he plausible range of values for this loss is 0 to 1.5 IQ points.
Definition: Triangular( -1.5, -0.7, 0 )*Blood__hair
Nodelocation: 48,24,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,504,514,416,303,0,MEAN
Reference: Cohe~~
Close Old
Close Mahaffey_and_mergle1
Variable Tri
Title: Tri
Definition: 0.95*250*Triangular( 0, 0.7, 1.5 )
Nodelocation: 336,48,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,168,178,416,303,0,MEAN
Variable Er
Title: er
Definition: 0.73/250/0.95*1000
Nodelocation: 224,48,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Close Old1
Variable Uncerainty_of_blood_
Title: Uncerainty of blood-hair
Description: Slope factors from different studies for blood to hair ra~~
Definition: Table(Studies2)(~
Nodelocation: 472,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,193,365,476,224
Valuestate: 2,390,35,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Att__totalsindex: Index Studies2
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['item 1']}
Index Studies2
Title: Blood-hair Studies
Definition: ['Canada','Japan','Nederlands','Sweden1','Sweden2','Sweden~~
Nodelocation: 472,192,1
Nodesize: 48,21
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Canada','Japan','Nederlands','Sweden1','~~
Variable Sd_blood_hair
Title: SD blood-hair
Description: Standard deviation of test results. This can be used to m~~
odel uncertainty. For example ratio 1:250 could be modelled as normal~~
distribution with SD of value from this node.
Definition: var a:=Uncerainty_of_blood_; {variable}~
var b:=sum(a); {sum of variable}~
var c:=b/size(a); {mean of variable}~
var d:=(a-c)^2; {squared of deduction}~
var e:= sum(d);~
Nodelocation: 592,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,144,353,476,267
Valuestate: 2,634,365,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Att__totalsindex: Index Studies2
Variable Nor
Title: nor
Definition: normal(Blood_hair,Sd_blood_hair)
Nodelocation: 592,80,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,232,242,416,303,1,PDFP
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Text Te13
Description: Uncertainty analysis of blood to hair?
Nodelocation: 536,128,-1
Nodesize: 120,100
Text Te15
Description: Interesting reading material about the MeHg exposure resp~~
Nodelocation: 288,176,-1
Nodesize: 116,152
Close Erf_pollutants
Close Dose_responses
Module Exposures
Title: Exposures
Description: Exposures from methyl mercury and DHA. Two different ways~~
of using fish consumption data. The one on the right uses fish consu~~
mption data to form four fish consumption scenarios (High, average, a~~
nd low for pregnant women, plus one for the general population. The o~~
ne on the left creates lognormal distributions out of fish consumptio~~
n data (with only two consumption scenarios i.e. General population a~~
nd Pregnant women).
Author: olex
Date: Fri, Nov 24, 2006 8:48 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 112,232,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,93,369,530,427,17
Variable Bw
Title: Bw
Units: kg
Description: Average body weight of finnish people. Should there be av~~
erage weight of a pregnant mother in Finland as well?
Definition: 70
Nodelocation: 272,96,1
Nodesize: 48,16
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
Windstate: 2,505,326,489,305
Valuestate: 2,200,210,416,303,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Module Alternative_exposure
Title: Using fish consumption distributions
Description: The default way of using the fish consumption data with t~~
he fish consumption distribution (by species) and examining fractiles~~
(i.e. low & high consumption) when needed if needed to compare high~~
or low fish consumption.
Author: olex
Date: Tue, May 27, 2008 8:15 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 120,96,1
Nodesize: 52,28
Diagstate: 1,486,211,675,553,17
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Variable Exposure_domestic_fi
Title: Exposure domestic fish
Units: mg/kg bodyweight/d
Description: Exposures due to Finnish fish consumption. Methyl mercury~~
and DHA
Definition: Concentrationdata*Domestic_fish_cons/365/BW
Nodelocation: 128,64,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,52,320,476,224
Valuestate: 2,485,1,473,518,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Substances,Fishspecies]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fishspecies
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Gen_preg,2,Fishspecies,1,Substances,1]}~~
Variable Exposure_imported_fi
Title: Exposure imported fish
Units: mg/kg bodyweight/d
Description: Exposure from imported fish. Methyl mercury and DHA.
Definition: Conc_of_hg__dha_n_3_*Imp_fish_cons/365/BW
Nodelocation: 360,64,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,489,417,454,251,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Substances,Imported_species]
Att__totalsindex: Index Imported_species
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Gen_preg,2,Imported_species,4,Sys_local~~
Objective Total_exposure2
Title: Total exposures 2
Units: mg/kg bodyweight/d
Description: Total exposures of MeHg, DHA, and omega-3 in Finland 2006~~
. This node is used for further calculations in the other modules of ~~
the model.~
This is also an interesting intermediate result of the model.
Definition: {sum(Exposure_domestic_fi,fishspecies)+sum(Exposure_import~~
index species:= concat(fishspecies,imported_species);~
var a:= Exposure_domestic_fi[fishspecies=species];~
a:= if a=null then 0 else a;~
var b:= Exposure_imported_fi[imported_species=species];~
b:= if b=null then 0 else b;~
Nodelocation: 248,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,1,
Windstate: 2,544,420,567,313
Valuestate: 2,439,11,461,651,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Substances,Sys_localindex('SPECIES')]
Displayoutputs: Constant Mehg_exposure_xx_xx_, Constant Dha_exposure_1__gene~~
Att__totalsindex: Object Index
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Gen_preg,2,Sys_localindex('SPECIES'),1,~~
Constant Mehg_exposure_xx_xx_
Title: MeHg exposure 90%CI:~
1) General population = 0.35-0.61 E-4~
2) Pregnant women = 0.18-0.75 E-4 mg/kg bw/day
Nodelocation: 248,352,1
Nodesize: 48,106
Nodecolor: 65535,65532,19661
Displayinputs: Objective Total_exposure2
Displayoutputs: Constant U_s__epa_rfd___1_0e_
Constant U_s__epa_rfd___1_0e_
Title: U.S. EPA RfD = 1.0E-4 mg/kg bw/day
Nodelocation: 392,352,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Displayinputs: Constant Mehg_exposure_xx_xx_
Constant Dha_recommendations
Title: DHA recommendations = 4.3 mg/kg bw /day
Description: Ref 1:~
Combined EPA+DHA:~
0.65 g/day = 9.3 mg/kg bw /day (U.S.)~
Ref 2:~
Pregnant mothers 200 mg/day~
Ref 3:~
Target intake of DHA during pregnancy/lactation is approximately 300 ~~
mg/day (=4.3 mg/kg bw /day). ~
Nodelocation: 608,144,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Displayinputs: Constant Dha_exposure_1__gene
Reference: Ref #1:~
Ref #2:~
Ref #3:~
Constant Dha_exposure_1__gene
Title: DHA exposure~
1) General population =~
3.0 mg/kg bw/day~
2) Pregnant women = 3.4 mg/kg bw /day
Nodelocation: 488,144,1
Nodesize: 48,89
Nodecolor: 65535,65532,19661
Displayinputs: Objective Total_exposure2
Displayoutputs: Constant Dha_recommendations
Close Alternative_exposure
Module Using_fish_consumpti
Title: Using fish consumption scenarios
Description: An alternative way of using fish consumption data as cons~~
umption scenarios. They can be compared with each other at any stage ~~
of the model.
Author: olex
Date: Tue, May 27, 2008 8:15 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 424,96,1
Nodesize: 52,28
Diagstate: 1,6,438,550,422,17
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Constant Rfd
Title: U.S.EPA RfD 1.0*10E-4 mg/kg bw/day
Definition: Mehg_exposure__
Nodelocation: 440,336,1
Nodesize: 52,40
Reference: U.S.EPA
Constant Mehg_exposure__
Title: MeHg exposures = 0.13-3.5 * 10E-4 mg/kg bw/day
Description: Even the high consumption pregnant women subgroup stays w~~
ell under the EPA RfD of MeHg.
Definition: {Exposure}
Nodelocation: 280,336,1
Nodesize: 60,38
Nodecolor: 65535,65532,19661
Displayinputs: Objective Total_exposure1
Variable Exposure
Title: Exposure from domestic fish
Units: mg/kg bodyweight/d
Description: Exposures due to Finnish fish consumption. Methyl mercury~~
and omega-3 fatty acids.
Definition: Concentrationdata*Subgroupconsumption/365/BW
Nodelocation: 408,152,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 2,55,88,476,390
Defnstate: 2,248,258,911,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,59,315,1007,461,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Subpopulations,Fishspecies]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fishspecies
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Substances,2,Fishspecies,0,Subpopulatio~~
Variable Exposure_from_import
Title: Exposure from imported fish
Units: mg/kg bodyweight/d
Description: Exposure from imported fish in Finland.
Definition: Conc_of_hg__dha_n_3_*Imported_fish_consum/365/BW
Nodelocation: 152,152,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 2,97,249,476,224
Valuestate: 2,53,390,1005,227,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Subpopulations,Imported_species]
Att__totalsindex: Index Imported_species
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Substances,3,Imported_species,1,Subpopu~~
Objective Total_exposure1
Title: Total exposures 1
Units: mg/kg bodyweight/d
Description: Total exposures due to fish consumption in Finland. This ~~
node is used for further calculations in the other modules of the mod~~
This is also an interesting intermediate result of the model.
Definition: sum(Exposure,fishspecies)+sum(Exposure_from_import,importe~~
Nodelocation: 280,240,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,1,
Windstate: 2,542,250,476,224
Valuestate: 2,657,152,490,194,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Substances,Subpopulations]
Displayoutputs: Constant Mehg_exposure__
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Subpopulations,4,Sys_localindex('PROBAB~~
Module Old3
Title: Old
Author: olex
Date: Mon, May 26, 2008 8:37 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 408,72,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Variable Dhaexposurefromimp
Title: DHA exposure from imported fish
Units: mg/kg bodyweight/d
Description: TARKISTA YKSIKÖT!!!~
Omega-3 exposure from the imported fish. Not used in later calculatio~~
Definition: Imported_amouts*10000*N_3_conc_of_imported/365/BW
Nodelocation: 232,144,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,9,456,476,224
Valuestate: 2,590,2,584,303,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Att__totalsindex: Index Imported_species
Constant Omega_3_exposure___1
Title: DHA exposure = 0.28-5.4 mg/kg bw/day
Definition: {Exposure}
Nodelocation: 56,48,1
Nodesize: 56,38
Nodecolor: 65535,65531,1
Displayinputs: Variable Dha_exposure
Constant Recommendation____
Title: Recommendations
Description: Recommendations for omega-3 intake of a child = 690-980 m~~
g/day (age 6-12 months), when lactating = 2200-2800 mg/day (intake ~~
of lactating mother)~
Recommendations in kg/a:~
Child = 0.25 - 0.36 kg/a~
When lactating = 0.80 - 1.02 kg/a
Definition: Omega_3_exposure___1
Nodelocation: 56,176,1
Nodesize: 48,36
Windstate: 2,128,438,474,368
Variable Mehg_exposure_from_i
Title: MeHg exposure from imported fish
Definition: Mehg_in_imp_fish1*sum(Imported_fish_consum,Imported_specie~~
Nodelocation: 360,144,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,443,384,476,224
Valuestate: 2,126,411,1026,303,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Reformval: [Subpopulations,Imported_species]
Att__totalsindex: Index Imported_species
Variable Mehgexposure
Title: Total MeHg ~
Definition: Table(Subpopulations)(~
Nodelocation: 360,48,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,556,578,476,224
Defnstate: 2,551,233,684,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,118,355,957,345,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Reformval: [Subpopulations,Imported_species]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fishspecies
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Imported_species,4,Fishspecies,1,Subpop~~
Variable Dha_exposure
Title: Total DHA exposure
Definition: Table(Subpopulations)(~
Nodelocation: 232,48,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,425,177,476,224
Defnstate: 2,102,467,719,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,36,460,416,303,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Displayoutputs: Constant Omega_3_exposure___1
Close Old3
Close Using_fish_consumpti
Text Te25
Description: Two ways to use fish consumption data to calculate the ex~~
posures (and health effects). The default way is located on the left,~~
and the alternative way (formation of consumption scenarios) is loca~~
ted on the right.
Nodelocation: 272,32,-1
Nodesize: 204,36
Module Exposures_of_consump
Title: Exposures of consumption scenarios
Author: olex
Date: Fri, Mar 13, 2009 9:57 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 272,256,1
Nodesize: 52,40
Diagstate: 1,448,518,550,300,17
Variable Exposure_to_mehg_dha
Title: Exposure with consumption scenarios
Units: mg/kg bodyweight /day
Description: Concentrationdata*Domestic_fish_cons/365/BW~
Definition: Concentrationmehgdha*Fish_consumption1/365/BW
Nodelocation: 240,104,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,639,530,476,224
Valuestate: 2,25,5,464,303,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Substance,Consumption_scenario,1]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Substance,2,Fish,0,Consumption_scenario~~
Variable Exposure_hypothetic
Title: Exposure with hypothetical fish meal frequencies
Description: c*Fish_consumption1/365/BW
Definition: Concentrationmehgdha*Hypothetical_portions/365/BW
Nodelocation: 376,112,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Windstate: 2,102,90,472,316
Valuestate: 2,20,130,1242,753,0,MEAN
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Exposure_hypothetic:1,,1,,,,,0~~
Reformval: [Consumptionfrequency,Consumption_scenario]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_graphtemplate: Gst_afternoonbluesky}
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Fish,0,Substance,2,Consumption_scenario~~
Close Exposures_of_consump
Close Exposures
Module Health_effects
Title: Health effects
Description: Collateral effects of methylmercury and DHA.on IQ
Author: olex
Date: Fri, Nov 24, 2006 8:48 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 112,408,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,216,-3,713,581,17
Variable Log1
Title: log
Description: Miten määritellään tässä population at risk. Ovatko~
1) lastentekoiässä olevat naiset ja heidän kalaa syövä osuus. ~
2) Raskaana olevat naiset~
3) Lapset (esim. alle 2v) + raskaana olevat~
4) Joku muu, mikä?
Nodelocation: 624,24,1
Nodesize: 52,12
Nodecolor: 65535,59795,19661
Variable Dha_benefits
Title: DHA benefits on IQ using consumption scenarios
Units: +IQ
Definition: Exposure_to_mehg_dha[Substance='DHA']*bw*Exprespdha/100
Nodelocation: 80,497,1
Nodesize: 56,38
Valuestate: 2,351,363,500,561,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Reformval: [Consumption_scenario,Fish,1]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fishspecies, Index Fish
Module Combining_studies
Title: Using both E-R for MeHg plus importance analysis
Description: A module to combine two expousre-responses. There are two~~
ways suggested: ~
a) using bernoulli distribution~
b) using uniform distribution~
The idea is that we don't know which way is the best way to do this, ~~
thus we maximize the uncertainty of that.~
A sensitivity analysi (importance) is located on the right.
Author: olex
Date: Mon, Aug 27, 2007 8:08 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 232,496,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Diagstate: 1,20,-8,989,569,17
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Objective Risk_benefit
Title: Risk-benefit result table of MeHg and Omega-3 fatty acids
Description: This result table shows risks and benefits.~
Actually, general population is not a relevant comparison here as the~~
y do not pass on the IQ effect to children like pregnant women do. Ho~~
wever, they act as a consumption scenario.
Definition: Table(Risk_benefit1)(~
Nodelocation: 672,280,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Windstate: 2,191,466,476,403
Defnstate: 2,698,330,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,13,-3,671,617,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Reformval: [Risk_benefit1,Fish]
Displayoutputs: Constant Plussalla_
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange: 1,,0,,,,,-2,2}
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,2,Fish,1,Risk_bene~~
Log: 25.7.2007 Olli Leino~
One of the first results tells that Methylmercury exposure causes IQ ~~
decrease on 0.26 points and omega-3 fatty acids give IQ increase of 0~~
.16 points. So, the balance is towards risks.
Index Risk_benefit1
Title: Risk/benefit
Definition: ['Risk','Benefit']
Nodelocation: 664,344,1
Nodesize: 48,16
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Risk','Benefit']}
Chance Risk_combined_studie
Title: Combining information of the two exposure response studies
Units: IQ points decrease
Description: Bernoulli distribution to select which study to weigh mor~~
e. Value 0.5 sets equal weight on the both studies.~
var a:= bernoulli(0.5) ;~
var b:= a*Methymercury_risks[Studies1='Cohen']+ (1-a)*Methymercury_ri~~
Definition: var a:= bernoulli(0.5) ;~
var b:= a*Methymercury_risks[Studies1='Cohen']+ (1-a)*Methymercury_ri~~
Nodelocation: 464,280,1
Nodesize: 60,48
Windstate: 2,307,562,507,340
Valuestate: 2,175,181,839,625,0,CONF
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Reformval: [Undefined,Fish,1]
Displayoutputs: Variable Unc_inputs
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,2,Fish,1,Sys_local~~
Variable Methymercury_risks
Title: Methymercury risks on IQ
Description: In this table you can enter several exposure-response res~~
ults to be assimilated to one exposure-response result.
Definition: Table(Studies1)(~
Nodelocation: 272,280,1
Nodesize: 52,24
Defnstate: 2,203,574,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,328,188,515,209,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Reformval: [Studies1,Gen_preg]
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Gen_preg,2,Sys_localindex('PROBABILITY'~~
Index Studies1
Title: Studies
Definition: ['Cohen','Axelrad']
Nodelocation: 264,312,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,424,602,476,224
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Cohen','Axelrad']}
Variable Unc_inputs
Title: Unc inputs
Description: List of uncertain inputs 26.5.2008:~
Hg in domestic fish~
Seuraavista jompikumpi~
1) Risk_combined_studie~
2) Combined_e_r~
Definition: Table(Uncertain_inputs)(~
c_of_imported,F,Blood_hair_ratio,Evaluation error: ~
Unimplemented term type in print.~
Nodelocation: 800,280,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,579,365,505,388
Defnstate: 2,327,261,699,417,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,-101,48,1284,421,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Reformval: [Uncertain_inputs,Fishspecies]
Displayinputs: Variable Concentrationdata, Index Substances, Variable~~
N_3_conc_of_imported, Variable Domesticpregnant, Variable Exprespdha~~
, Variable Cohen, Chance B, Chance F, Chance V, Variable Axelraddistribution~~
, Chance Blood_hair_ratio, Chance Risk_combined_studie, Index Uncertain_inputs~~
, Chance Mehg_proportion
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Imported_species,6,Gen_preg,2,Fishspeci~~
Variable Importance
Title: Importance
Definition: Abs( RankCorrel(unc_inputs,Risk_benefit) )
Nodelocation: 800,208,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,0,875,1284,478,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Reformval: [Uncertain_inputs,Fishspecies]
Displayoutputs: Constant Imported_fish_consu1
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Risk_benefit1,2,Gen_preg,1,Imported_spe~~
Reference: Importance
Constant Exposure_responses_c
Title: Exposure-responses contribute the most to the uncertainty of th~~
e model
Description: Variables high in importance:~
Exp resp DHA (scenario general population 0.935, and scenario pregnan~~
t women 0.524) ~
V (0.17) ~
DHA_conc_of_importd (0.27 and scenario Tuna 0.13, and scenario Tuna G~~
eneral population 1.5)~
Hg_in_imp_fish (0.1387 and 0.18) ~
Axelraddistribution (0.26 and 0.24)~
Risk combined_studie (1 and 1)~
importedpregnant (0.20)~
Cohen (0.33)~
Hg_imp_fish (scenario Tuna 0.14 and scenario Others & General populat~~
ion 0.18)~
Nodelocation: 936,80,1
Nodesize: 48,55
Windstate: 2,102,90,521,543
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Displayinputs: Constant Imported_fish_consu1
Displayoutputs: Constant Toxicological_inform
Text Te8
Description: Uniform distribution used for E-R of a risk estimate
Nodelocation: 368,488,-1
Nodesize: 156,92
Variable Combined_e_r
Title: Combined risk E-R
Definition: uniform(Iq_effects,iq_change)
Nodelocation: 280,456,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,317,471,381,256,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Combined_e_r:1,,0,,,,,-1,0.2}~
{!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim:6}
Reformval: [Undefined,Sys_localindex('SPECIES'),Undefined,Undefined,1]~~
Objective B_r
Title: Fish consumption benefit-risk table
Units: IQ points
Description: Benefit-Risk results~
Actually, general population is not a relevant comparison here as the~~
y do not pass on the IQ effect to children like pregnant women do. Ho~~
wever, they act as a consumption scenario.
Definition: Table(Risk_benefit1)(~
Nodelocation: 416,456,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Valuestate: 2,61,61,446,594,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_catlinestyle Graph_primary_valdim:9}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange B_r:1,,1,,,,,-2,2}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,0,1,,,,0,20}
Reformval: [Risk_benefit1,Sys_localindex('SPECIES')]
Displayoutputs: Constant Miinuksella_
Att__totalsindex: Index Risk_benefit1
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Gen_preg,1,Risk_benefit1,0,Sys_localind~~
Text Te17
Description: Bernoulli 0.5 used for selecting E-R study (Axelrad OR Co~~
Nodelocation: 464,256,-1
Nodesize: 268,108
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Constant Plussalla_
Title: Approximately zero result
Description: 26.5.2008~
General population -0.047~
Pregnant women -0.025
Nodelocation: 672,184,1
Nodesize: 52,24
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Displayinputs: Objective Risk_benefit
Constant Miinuksella_
Title: Approximately zero result
Description: 26.5.2008~
General population 0.044~
Pregnant women -0.021~
Nodelocation: 416,544,1
Nodesize: 52,24
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Displayinputs: Objective B_r
Constant Toxicological_inform
Title: Toxicological information drives the results over the fish data~~
Description: Uncertainties in the exposure-responsies are high, as wel~~
l as the selection of the exposure-response for MeHg risk (bernoulli ~~
Nodelocation: 936,216,1
Nodesize: 48,55
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Displayinputs: Constant Exposure_responses_c
Text Te26
Description: There are two different ways proposed here to combine the~~
two different E-R functions of MeHg.
Nodelocation: 96,224,-1
Nodesize: 52,80
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Constant Imported_fish_consu1
Title: High correlations: all E-Rs, blood to hair ratio,combination te~~
rm,imported pregnant,
Nodelocation: 800,81,1
Nodesize: 48,72
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Displayinputs: Variable Importance
Displayoutputs: Constant Exposure_responses_c
Objective Totalhealheffects
Title: Total health effects of species
Definition: var a:=Risk_benefit[Risk_benefit1='Benefit'];~
var b:=Risk_benefit[Risk_benefit1='Risk'];~
Nodelocation: 672,416,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Valuestate: 2,9,21,1260,679,0,CONF
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_catlinestyle Graph_primary_valdim:9}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,0,1,,,,0,2}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Totalhealheffects:1,,0,,,,,-0.1,0.1}
Reformval: [Undefined,Fish,1]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,2,Fish,1,Sys_local~~
Constant Excel__sheet_with_fi
Title: Create an excel -sheet with fish consumption (portions per week~~
) on the x-axis and benefit-risk on the y-axis
Nodelocation: 808,424,1
Nodesize: 48,80
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Close Combining_studies
Text Te9
Description: Benefit-Risk result tables using two different exposure-r~~
esponse functions for MeHg risk (Cohen 2005 and Axelrad 2007):
Nodelocation: 496,216,-1
Nodesize: 68,208
Constant Domingo_et_al_2007b
Title: Domingo et al 2007a
Nodelocation: 624,120,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Reference: Domingo et al2007a
Constant Domingo_et_al_2007b1
Title: Domingo et al 2007b
Nodelocation: 624,176,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Reference: Domingo_et_al2007b
Constant Stern2007
Title: Stern2007
Nodelocation: 624,232,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Reference: Stern2007
Text Te12
Description: Interesting reading
Nodelocation: 632,296,-1
Nodesize: 60,240
Constant Brunner2006
Title: Brunner2006
Nodelocation: 624,296,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Reference: Brunner2006
Constant U_s_epa
Title: U.S.EPA 2000
Nodelocation: 624,400,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Displayinputs: Constant Lue_
Reference: http://www.epa.gov/NCEA/pdfs/methmerc.pdf
Constant Lue_
Title: Lue!
Nodelocation: 624,464,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Displayoutputs: Constant U_s_epa
Module Other_ideas
Title: Other ideas for representing results
Description: What might be an interestig way of presenting the reslult~~
Author: olex
Date: Mon, Apr 07, 2008 10:23 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 72,408,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Diagstate: 1,1,1,583,593,17
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Variable Totalmothers
Title: Total number of mothers in chlidbearing age
Units: #
Description: Women at childbearing age.~
NOTE: Value is arbitrary
Definition: 1000000
Nodelocation: 296,280,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,471,382,476,330
Valuestate: 2,80,492,216,144,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Reference: www.stat.fi & http://www.who.int
Variable Fishconsumingmothers
Title: Fish consuming mothers in childbearing age
Units: %
Description: Percentage of mothers who eat fish during the pregnancy.~
NOTE: Value is arbitrary
Definition: 0.9
Nodelocation: 112,272,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Windstate: 2,90,384,508,437
Valuestate: 2,251,555,248,179,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Reference: WHO
Text Te7
Description: Public heatlh view: ~
Is this a sensible idea?
Nodelocation: 212,192,-1
Nodesize: 164,168
Text Te11
Description: DALY calculation for the effects?
Nodelocation: 504,112,-1
Nodesize: 60,20
Variable Children_born_year
Title: Children born/year
Nodelocation: 304,72,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Constant Monetarisation_
Title: Monetasation?
Description: How much an IQ point loss costs?~
What would be the costs of each pregnant mother consumption scenario ~~
and most interestingely what would be 5% and 95% CI. If all percentil~~
es are positive, then particular fish consumptin scenario is recommen~~
ded. If all not, then recommended with varauksella. If 50% percentile~~
<0, then not recommended.
Nodelocation: 504,40,1
Nodesize: 52,24
Close Other_ideas
Objective Using_cohen_2005_exp
Title: Using ~
Cohen 2005 exp-resp
Units: IQ points
Description: Alternative result of benefit-risk analysis using Cohen e~~
t al for MeHg exposure-response function.~
Actually, general population is not a relevant comparison here as the~~
y do not pass on the IQ effect to children like pregnant women do. Ho~~
wever, they act as a consumption scenario.
Definition: Table(Risk_benefit1)(~
Nodelocation: 232,592,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Defnstate: 2,646,398,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,462,262,359,322,0,CONF
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Reformval: [Risk_benefit1,Fish,0]
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Gen_preg,2,Sys_localindex('PROBABILITY'~~
Objective Using_axelrad_2007_e
Title: Using Axelrad 2007 exp-resp
Units: IQ points
Description: Result of benefit-risk analysis using Axelrad et al for M~~
eHg exposure-response function. ~
Actually, general population is not a relevant comparison here as the~~
y do not pass on the IQ effect to children like pregnant women do. Ho~~
wever, they act as a consumption scenario.
Definition: Table(Risk_benefit1)(~
Nodelocation: 232,400,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Valuestate: 2,461,336,636,463,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Reformval: [Risk_benefit1,Fish,0]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,3,Fish,7,Risk_bene~~
Variable Dha_benefits_on_iq
Title: DHA benefits on IQ using hypothetical meals frequencies
Description: Exposure_to_mehg_dha[Substance='DHA']*bw*Exprespdha/100
Definition: Exposure_hypothetic[Substance='DHA']*bw*Exprespdha/100
Nodelocation: 376,264,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Windstate: 2,398,644,476,224
Valuestate: 2,156,31,920,303,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Consumptionfrequency,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,1,Fish,1,Consumpti~~
Objective With_axelrad_exp_res
Title: With Axelrad exp-resp
Definition: Table(Risk_benefit1)(~
Nodelocation: 488,160,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,297,5,476,224
Defnstate: 2,132,666,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,89,419,937,417,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Consumptionfrequency,Fish,Undefined,Undefined,1]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Risk_benefit1,2,Consumption_scenario,4,~~
Objective With_cohen_exp_resp
Title: With Cohen exp-resp
Definition: Table(Risk_benefit1)(~
Nodelocation: 488,336,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Defnstate: 2,755,339,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,280,290,729,414,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Consumptionfrequency,Fish]
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Risk_benefit1,1,Consumption_scenario,4,~~
Module Combination_of_cohen
Title: Combination of Cohen and Axelrad E-R function
Author: olex
Date: Fri, Mar 20, 2009 10:10 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 496,256,1
Nodesize: 52,40
Diagstate: 1,4,16,698,577,17
Index Uncertain_inputs
Title: Uncertain inputs
Description: 1.7.2008 Olli Leino~
Blood to hair should be here also.
Definition: ['MeHg proportion','Exp resp n3','Axelraddistribution','Co~~
'Blood Volume','Elimination constant','Absorption constant','Blood to~~
hair ratio','Fish consumption']
Nodelocation: 200,248,1
Nodesize: 56,12
Windstate: 2,467,32,503,368
Valuestate: 2,287,373,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 39321,39325,65535
Displayoutputs: Variable Unc_inputs
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['MeHg proportion','Exp resp n3','Axelrad~~
bstance=’MeHg’]','Blood Volume','Elimination constant','Absorption co~~
nstant','Blood to hair ratio','Fish consumption']}
Variable Methymercury_risks1
Title: Methymercury risks on IQ
Description: In this table you can enter several exposure-response res~~
ults to be assimilated to one exposure-response result.
Definition: Table(Studies3)(~
Nodelocation: 64,80,1
Nodesize: 52,24
Defnstate: 2,10,633,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,328,188,544,435,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Studies3,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,1,Fish,1,Studies3,~~
Index Risk_benefit2
Title: Risk/benefit
Definition: ['Risk','Benefit']
Nodelocation: 344,144,1
Nodesize: 48,16
Windstate: 2,447,356,476,224
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Risk','Benefit']}
Variable Risk_benefit3
Title: Risk-benefit result table of MeHg and Omega-3 fatty acids
Description: This result table shows risks and benefits.~
Actually, general population is not a relevant comparison here as the~~
y do not pass on the IQ effect to children like pregnant women do. Ho~~
wever, they act as a consumption scenario.
Definition: Table(Risk_benefit2)(~
Nodelocation: 352,80,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Windstate: 2,191,466,476,403
Defnstate: 2,29,758,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,13,-3,856,350,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Consumption_scenario,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange: 1,,0,,,,,-2,2}
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Risk_benefit2,2,Fish,1,Consumption_scen~~
Log: 25.7.2007 Olli Leino~
One of the first results tells that Methylmercury exposure causes IQ ~~
decrease on 0.26 points and omega-3 fatty acids give IQ increase of 0~~
.16 points. So, the balance is towards risks.
Chance Risk_combined_studi1
Title: Combining information of the two exposure response studies
Units: IQ points decrease
Description: Bernoulli distribution to select which study to weigh mor~~
e. Value 0.5 sets equal weight on the both studies.~
var a:= bernoulli(0.5) ;~
var b:= a*Methymercury_risks[Studies1='Cohen']+ (1-a)*Methymercury_ri~~
Definition: var a:= bernoulli(0.5) ;~
var b:= a*Methymercury_risks1[Studies3='Cohen']+ (1-a)*Methymercury_r~~
Nodelocation: 200,80,1
Nodesize: 60,48
Windstate: 2,365,328,507,340
Valuestate: 2,175,181,839,625,0,CONF
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Risk_combined_studi1:1,,0,,,,,~~
{!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim:6}
Reformval: [Undefined,Fish,1,Undefined,1]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,2,Fish,1,Sys_local~~
Index Studies3
Title: Studies
Definition: ['Cohen','Axelrad']
Nodelocation: 56,112,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,424,602,476,224
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Cohen','Axelrad']}
Objective Totalhealheffects1
Title: Total health effects of species
Definition: var a:=Risk_benefit3[Risk_benefit2='Benefit'];~
var b:=Risk_benefit3[Risk_benefit2='Risk'];~
Nodelocation: 488,80,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 2,38,480,476,224
Valuestate: 2,168,120,1044,730,0,STAT
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim:6}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Totalhealheffects1:1,,1,,,,,-1.5,1.5}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Totalhealheffects:1,,0,,,,,-0.1,0.1}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,1,1,,,,0,1000}
Reformval: [Fish,Consumption_scenario,2,2,1]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,4,Sys_localindex('~~
Variable Unc_inputs1
Title: Unc inputs
Description: List of uncertain inputs 26.5.2008:~
Hg in domestic fish~
Seuraavista jompikumpi~
1) Risk_combined_studie~
2) Combined_e_r~
Definition: Table(Uncertain_inputs)(~
Nodelocation: 200,216,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,591,27,505,388
Defnstate: 2,327,261,699,417,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,-24,10,1284,421,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Reformval: [Uncertain_inputs,Fish]
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,3,Consumptionfrequ~~
Variable Importance1
Title: Importance
Definition: Abs( RankCorrel(unc_inputs1,Risk_benefit3) )
Nodelocation: 352,216,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,117,375,476,224
Valuestate: 2,-62,54,1284,478,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Reformval: [Uncertain_inputs,Fish]
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Risk_benefit2,2,Consumption_scenario,3,~~
Reference: Importance
Objective All_species_net_eff
Title: All species net effects
Definition: var a:=sum(Totalhealheffects1,fish);~
var b:=a[Consumptionfrequency='Four times a month'];~
Nodelocation: 616,80,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,48,149,1210,632,0,MEAN
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,1,1,,,,-2~~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange All_species_net_eff:1,,0,,,,,-2,2}
Reformval: [Consumption_scenario,Consumption_scenario,Undefined,2]
Function Voi(out:prob;deci:indextype;input:prob;input_ind:indextype;cl~~
Title: VOI
Description: Muuta parametrit oikeiksi ylläolevaan~
Value of information (VOI) Version 2.~
This function calculates the total VOI (expected value of perfect inf~~
ormation, EVPI) for a given decision, and VOI (expected value of part~~
ial perfect information, EVPPI) for certain variables. The outcome to~~
be optimised is out; the decision to be made must be indexed by deci~~
; the variables for EVPPI calculation must be listed in input, which ~~
is indexed by input_ind. The solution is numerical, and for this purp~~
ose, the outcome is classified into a number of bins (the number is d~~
efined by classes, which may be a number or an array of numbers). The~~
VOI function assumes that costs are calculated and that the correct ~~
optimising function is MIN.~
First, a new index is generated. It contains 'Total VOI' in the first~~
row and the EVPPI variables in the subsequent rows. Then, net cost u~~
nder uncertainty (ncuu) and evpi are calculated. ~
The rest of the procedure is calculated separetely for each value of ~~
Varia is a temporary index that has classes number of bins.~
Each iteration is located in one of the bins depending on the value o~~
f input. After this classification, the value of out is located into ~~
the bin for that iteration. When the mean is taken, the result is the~~
average of outcome multiplied by the probability that the true value~~
of input is in the same bin. The best decision is made given the bin~~
, and then the expected outcomes of each bin are summed up. When ncuu~~
is subtracted from this value, we get EVPPI. Finally, the EVPI and E~~
VPPI are concatenated into a single index.~
It may be a good idea to include a row 'Blank' in the input_ind and u~~
se it for a random variable that is NOT part of the model. This gives~~
a rough estimate on how much random noise may produce VOI in the sys~~
tem. It might also be good to use different values for Classes, becau~~
se there may be numerical instability with low iteration numbers, and~~
it is not obvious what low is in each case.~
Developed by Jouni Tuomisto and Marko Tainio, National Public Health ~~
Institute (KTL), Finland, 2005.~
Definition: index a:= ['Total VOI'];~
index variable:= concat(a,input_ind); ~
var ncuu:= min(mean(sample(out)),deci);~
var evpi:= (if a='Total VOI' then mean(min(sample(out),deci))-ncuu el~~
se 0);~
for x[]:= classes do (~
index varia:= sequence(1/x,1,1/x);~
var evppi:= ceil(rank(input,run)*x/samplesize)/x;~
evppi:= if evppi=Varia then out else 0;~
evppi:= sum(min(mean(evppi),deci),varia)-ncuu;~
concat(evpi,evppi,a,input_ind,variable) )
Nodelocation: 608,440,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,29,314,575,528
Paramnames: out,deci,input,input_ind,classes
Variable Voi1
Title: VOI
Definition: Voi(-All_species_net_eff,Consumption_scenario,Unc_inp,Unce~~
Nodelocation: 480,368,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,148,455,476,224
Valuestate: 2,520,161,589,590,1,MIDM
Reformval: [Classes,Sys_localindex('VARIABLE')]
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Fish,9,Sys_localindex('VARIABLE'),1,Classes~~
Variable Classes
Title: Classes
Definition: [17,29]
Nodelocation: 616,368,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Variable Unc_inp
Title: Unc inp
Description: Temp node, sums up the fish species in the study.
Definition: sum(Unc_inputs1,fish)
Nodelocation: 208,328,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,102,520,649,343,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Consumption_scenario,Uncertain_inputs]
Close Combination_of_cohen
Constant Daly___result___dw__
Title: DALY = result * DW * children born * fish eaters
Description: fish eaters beneris datasta~
DW opasnetistä~
children born stat.fi
Nodelocation: 216,161,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Constant Monetasation___resul
Title: Monetasation = result * DR
Nodelocation: 104,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Using_only_consumpti
Title: DHA benefits using only consumption categories
Description: Exposure_to_mehg_dha
Definition: Exposure_to_mehg_dha[Substance='DHA']*bw*Exprespdha/100
Nodelocation: 256,265,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Valuestate: 2,93,333,607,321,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Consumption_scenario,Fish]
Close Health_effects
Function Result_style(param1)
Title: Result style
Description: To show mean and 90% confidence intervall in a cell of a ~~
Definition: mean(param1)&" ("&getfract(param1,0.05)&", "&getfract(para~~
Nodelocation: 240,408,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,649,355
Paramnames: param1
Module Fish_data
Title: Fish data
Author: olex
Date: Fri, Mar 13, 2009 9:57 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 112,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,943,522,301,149,17
Module Concentration_data
Title: Concentration data
Author: olex
Date: Fri, Mar 13, 2009 9:57 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 72,40,1
Nodesize: 56,24
Diagramcolor: 52428,52428,52428
Chance Mehg_proportion
Title: MeHg proportion
Units: -
Description: How much of the total mercury concentration in fish is Me~~
thyl mercury (MeHg)? ~
There are different estimations, we used the estimation of the refere~~
nce #3 by Gunnel Westöö (REF #3) because the sea-areas in Sweden and ~~
in Finland are quite similar.~
Methyl mercury (organic) is the chemical form of concern and can make~~
up more than 90% of the total mercury in fish and seafood. REF #1~
For salmon, methylmercury levels were 78% and 63% of total mercury le~~
vels for muscle REF #2~
The proportion of methylmercury to total mercury in the flesh of salm~~
on (Salmo salar) 1 to 7 years old and sea trout (Salmo ocla) 1 and 2 ~~
years old was found to average 93% with a range of 81 to 98 percent a~~
nd to be independent of the age of the fish. REF #3 (Gunnel Westöö)~
Methyl mercury contributes 83% of total mercury REF #4~
In fish, methyl mercury accounts for 80 to 99 percent of the mercury ~~
content of fish tissues. REF #5
Definition: triangular(0.81,0.93,0.98)
Nodelocation: 272,128,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,287
Valuestate: 2,216,226,416,303,1,PDFP
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Displayoutputs: Variable Unc_inputs
Reference: #1~
Kannan K, Smith RG, Lee RF, Windom HL, Heitmuller PT, Macauley JM, Su~~
mmers JK.. Distribution of total mercury and methyl mercury in water,~~
sediment, and fish from south Florida estuaries.~
Variable Concentrations
Title: Concentrations
Units: mg/kg in filleted weight
Description: See reference#0~
Booth2005 Ref#7~
Tuna: ~
lognormal(0.1,0.1) Ref#6~
Rainbow trout: Mercury_conc[fishspecies='farmedsalmon',Parameters1='M~~
DHA concentrations~
Salmon: ~
min=omega-3 concentration of trout~
mode=omega-3 concentration of salmon fillet~
max=omega-3 concentration of salmon (sea) fillet~
Rainbow trout:~
fractiles(whole,fillet,salted,cold smoked,sea fillet,)~
min=omega-3 concentration of trout~
mode=omega-3 concentration of rainborw trout fillet~
max=omega-3 concentration of rainbow trout (sea) fillet~
Tuna: ~
min=omega-3 concentration of tuna in oil~
mode=omega-3 concentration of tuna in water~
max=omega-3 concentration of tuna fillet~
Saithe: ~
mean = mean concentration of saithe fillet~
SD = 0.1 * mean concentration of saithe fillet~
Concentrations from the database on Fineli (www.fineli.fi)~
Distribution functions chosen by author judgement~
Definition: Table(Substances,Fish)(~
Nodelocation: 96,48,1
Nodesize: 52,24
Windstate: 2,514,-14,564,838
Defnstate: 2,284,263,752,365,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,207,352,468,355,0,STAT
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Reformdef: [Substances,Fish]
Reformval: [Substances,Fish,Undefined,1,1]
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Substances,2,Fish,1,Sys_localindex('STA~~
Reference: #0~
Hg concentrations~
EU-kalat elintarvikeviraston julkaisuja 3/2004. Page 13.~
Kala - Fisk. Tuoretta tietoa kala-alasta. 1/2006. Suomen Kalakauppias~~
Index Substance
Title: Substance
Definition: ['MeHg','DHA']
Nodelocation: 272,80,1
Nodesize: 48,12
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['MeHg','DHA']}
Variable Concentrationmehgdha
Title: Concentration
Units: mg/kg in filleted weight
Description: See reference#0~
Booth2005 Ref#7~
Tuna: ~
lognormal(0.1,0.1) Ref#6~
Rainbow trout: Mercury_conc[fishspecies='farmedsalmon',Parameters1='M~~
DHA concentrations~
Salmon: ~
min=omega-3 concentration of trout~
mode=omega-3 concentration of salmon fillet~
max=omega-3 concentration of salmon (sea) fillet~
Rainbow trout:~
fractiles(whole,fillet,salted,cold smoked,sea fillet,)~
min=omega-3 concentration of trout~
mode=omega-3 concentration of rainborw trout fillet~
max=omega-3 concentration of rainbow trout (sea) fillet~
Tuna: ~
min=omega-3 concentration of tuna in oil~
mode=omega-3 concentration of tuna in water~
max=omega-3 concentration of tuna fillet~
Saithe: ~
mean = mean concentration of saithe fillet~
SD = 0.1 * mean concentration of saithe fillet~
Concentrations from the database on Fineli (www.fineli.fi)~
Distribution functions chosen by author judgement~
Definition: Table(Fish,Substance)(~
Nodelocation: 272,48,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,6,312,456,500
Defnstate: 2,30,270,577,310,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,104,250,453,287,0,STAT
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Concentrationmehgdha:1,,0,,,,,~~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,0,1,,,,0,5}~
{!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim:6}
Reformdef: [Substance,Fish]
Reformval: [Substance,Fish,Undefined,1]
Reference: #0~
Hg concentrations~
EU-kalat elintarvikeviraston julkaisuja 3/2004. Page 13.~
Kala - Fisk. Tuoretta tietoa kala-alasta. 1/2006. Suomen Kalakauppias~~
Constant Onko_oikeat_pitoisuu
Title: Onko oikeat pitoisuudet, tarkista laskut!
Nodelocation: 416,65,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Close Concentration_data
Module Consumption_data
Title: Consumption data
Author: olex
Date: Fri, Mar 13, 2009 9:57 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 208,40,1
Nodesize: 52,24
Diagstate: 1,-1,230,459,670,17
Variable Cons_pregnant
Title: Fish consumption of pregnant women
Units: g/day
Description: Fish consumption of pregnant women in Finland.
Definition: Table(Quantile,Fish)(~
Nodelocation: 160,64,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,308,375,476,224
Defnstate: 2,282,162,657,342,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,345,366,646,321,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Reformdef: [Quantile,Fish]
Reformval: [Quantile,Fish]
Displayoutputs: Constant About_the_same_as_th, Variable Distribution
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
Reference: P~~
Index Quantile
Title: Fractiles
Definition: ['Mean','SD','0.05','0.25','0.5','0.75','0.95']
Nodelocation: 160,112,1
Nodesize: 52,12
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Mean','SD','0.05','0.25','0.5','0.75','0~~
Index Fish
Title: Fish
Definition: ['Baltic herring','Herring','Vendace','White fish','Pike',~~
'Rainbow trout','Perch','Saithe','Atlantic salmon','Pike-perch','Tuna~~
Nodelocation: 160,136,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,102,90,501,356
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Baltic herring','Herring','Vendace','Wh~~
ite fish','Pike','Rainbow trout','Perch','Saithe','Atlantic salmon','~~
Variable Lean_fish
Title: Lean fish
Units: g/day
Description: A diet of fish species with fat contenct >3% = lean fish
Definition: Table(Fish)(~
Nodelocation: 96,190,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Defnstate: 2,611,392,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,595,37,574,354,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Quantile,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
Variable Fatty_fish
Title: Fatty fish
Units: g/day
Description: A diet of fish species with fat contenct >3% = fatty fish~~
Factor in front of the each line represents the fish consumption of
Definition: Table(Fish)(~
Cons_pregnant[Fish='Baltic herring'],Cons_pregnant[Fish='Herring'],0,~~
Cons_pregnant[Fish='White fish'],0,Cons_pregnant[Fish='Rainbow trout'~~
],0,0,Cons_pregnant[Fish='Atlantic salmon'],0,Cons_pregnant[Fish='Tun~~
Nodelocation: 224,190,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,195,465,476,224
Defnstate: 2,613,89,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,807,282,432,303,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Quantile,Fish]
Variable Lean_fish_diet
Title: Lean fish diet scenario
Units: kg/a
Description: A hypothetical consumption scenario.~
1) A diet consisting solely on lean fish. ~
2) The total amount fish consumed is the same as with pregnant women ~~
eating both lean and fatty fish, therefore we apply a factor in the b~~
eginning to achieve the same amount
Definition: Lean_fish*Factor_for_lean*0.001*365
Nodelocation: 96,344,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,577,30,476,224
Defnstate: 2,686,641,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,517,228,739,302,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Quantile,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Fish,4,Quantile,1]}
Variable Fatty_fish_diet
Title: Fatty fish diet scenario
Units: kg/a
Description: A hypothetical consumption scenario.~
1) A diet consisting solely on fatty fish. ~
2) The total amount fish consumed is the same as with pregnant women ~~
eating both lean and fatty fish, therefore we apply a factor in the b~~
eginning to achieve the same amount~
0.001*365 is a unit conversion
Definition: Fatty_fish*Factor_for_fatty*0.001*365
Nodelocation: 224,344,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,502,433,598,338,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Quantile,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
Variable Factor_for_lean
Title: Factor for lean fish consumption exclusively
Description: The amount of fish eaten in 'Lean fish exclusively' consu~~
mption scenario is supposed to be equal to 'Pregnant women fish consu~~
mption'. Therefore this factor is needed.
Definition: sum(Cons_pregnant, Fish)/sum(Lean_fish,Fish)
Nodelocation: 96,263,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Variable Factor_for_fatty
Title: Factor for fatty fish consumption ~
Description: The amount of fish eaten in 'Fatty fish exclusively' cons~~
umption scenario is supposed to be equal to 'Pregnant women fish cons~~
umption'. Therefore this factor is needed.
Definition: sum(Cons_pregnant, Fish)/sum(Fatty_fish,Fish)
Nodelocation: 224,263,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,392,317,476,224
Variable Lean_distribution
Title: Lean distribution
Units: kg/a
Definition: var me:=Lean_fish_diet[Quantile='Mean'];~
var sd:=Lean_fish_diet[Quantile='SD'];~
Nodelocation: 96,408,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,518,528,653,315,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Undefined,Fish,1]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
Variable Fatty_distribution
Title: Fatty distribution
Units: kg/a
Definition: var me:=Fatty_fish_diet[Quantile='Mean'];~
var sd:=Fatty_fish_diet[Quantile='SD'];~
Nodelocation: 224,408,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,174,33,1014,636,0,MEAN
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim:6}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Fatty_distribution:1,,0,,,,,0,10}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,0,1,,,,0,5}
Reformval: [Undefined,Fish,Undefined,Undefined,1]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
Index Consumption_scenario
Title: Consumption scenarios
Definition: ['Lean fish diet','Fatty fish diet','Pregnant women','No f~~
Nodelocation: 160,520,1
Nodesize: 48,24
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Lean fish diet','Fatty fish diet','Pregn~~
ant women','No fish']}
Variable Fish_consumption1
Title: Fish consumption
Units: kg/a
Description: Fish consumption in selected scenarios for the study (Lei~~
no et al 2009 Manuscript).~
Definition: Table(Consumption_scenario)(~
Nodelocation: 160,472,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,731,75,476,224
Defnstate: 2,354,90,817,297,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,244,256,605,390,0,MIDM
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim:6}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Fish_consumption1:1,,0,,,,,0,5}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,0,1,,,,0,5}
Reformval: [Consumption_scenario,Fish,Undefined,1]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Fish,0,Sys_localindex('PROBABILITY'),1,~~
Variable Fatty_fish_lean_fish
Title: Fatty fish: lean fish
Definition: sum(Fatty_fish, Fish)/sum(Lean_fish, Fish)
Nodelocation: 352,192,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,328,338,416,303,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Quantile,Fish]
Module Portions_per_week1
Title: Portions per month
Author: olex
Date: Thu, Mar 19, 2009 7:54 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 160,592,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,414,439,563,383,17
Variable Size_of_a_portion
Title: Portion size
Units: g
Description: Standard size of a portion of fish is 227grams.
Definition: 227
Nodelocation: 96,48,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Constant Both_groups_consume_
Title: Pregnant women consume on average one portion (227g) of fish pe~~
r week
Units: Fish meals per week
Definition: Fish_consumption1*1000/52/portion_size
Nodelocation: 96,216,1
Nodesize: 48,63
Valuestate: 2,296,306,416,303,0,CONF
Nodecolor: 65535,65532,19661
Reformval: [Consumption_scenario,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
Objective Portions_per_month
Title: Portions per month
Units: Portions / month
Description: How many portions population consumes fish per week~
Definition: (sum(Fish_consumption1,Fish)*1000/12)/Size_of_a_portion
Nodelocation: 96,112,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,408,418,416,303,0,MEAN
Variable Hypothetical_portion
Title: Fish consumption with consumption frequencies
Units: kg/a
Description: This node creates fish consumption in seven hypothetical ~~
fish consumption frequences:~
1) once in four weeks~
2) once in three weeks~
3) once in two weeks~
4) once in a week~
5) twice a week~
6) three times a week~
7) four times a week~
This will be utilized when plotting graph meals vs net IQ points (i~~
n the given three consumption scenarios)
Definition: Table(Consumptionfrequency)(~
Nodelocation: 384,112,1
Nodesize: 48,55
Windstate: 2,102,90,477,345
Defnstate: 2,667,351,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,300,103,865,303,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Consumptionfrequency,Fish]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fish
{!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Consumption_scenario,4,Fish,1,Consumpti~~
Index Consumptionfrequency
Title: Fish consumption frequency
Description: This fish consumption range spans from once a month to se~~
ven times a month of fish consumption.
Definition: ['Once a month','Twice a month','Three times a month','Fou~~
r times a month','Five times a month','Six times a month','Seven time~~
s a month']
Nodelocation: 376,192,1
Nodesize: 48,29
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Once a month','Twice a month','Three tim~~
es a month','Four times a month','Five times a month','Six times a mo~~
nth','Seven times a month']}
{!40000|Att_graphindexrange: 1,,,,,,10}
Close Portions_per_week1
Close Consumption_data
Close Fish_data
Close Risks_from_farmed_an
Text Te23
Description: The big question is: What is/are the main focus for the m~~
anuscript! What are the interesting results?~
1) Fish consumption benefit-risk analysis of pregnant women, AND expo~~
sure analysis of fish consumption of pregnant women and general popul~~
2) Benefit-risk comparison between the fish consumption subgroups of ~~
pregnant women~
a) low fish consumption~
b) average fish consumption~
c) high fish consumption~
3) How well are the consumption recommendations for pregnang women su~~
a) in terms of RfD:s and recommendations (exposures)~
b) in terms of benefits and risks to a child~
4) Results of the sensitivity analysis regarding fish consumption~
a) What were the variables with the largest uncertainty~
b) How to deal with them ~
Riskipalaveri 10.6.2008~
5) Kalankäyttöskenaarioiden luontia~
a) Voisi luoda hypoteettisia kalankäyttöprofiileja (haukea paljon s~~
yövät mökkeilijät, lohensyöjät...)~
b) Voisi käyttää samaa kalankäyttöprofiilia ja nostaa kalan käyttöm~~
äärän yhdestä kahteen kertaan viikossa j ja laskea terveysvaikutu~~
kset (lineaarisina kaiketi vaan tuplautuvat).~
6) Jouni 21.8.2008~
Risks and benefits per species: should you try and avoid certain spec~~
Flushout time: if you have eaten pike and you plan to get pregnant, i~~
s there any use of stopping pike-eating or is it too late already? (W~~
hat is the time existing MeHg flushes out of the body?)~
Nodelocation: 344,390,-1
Nodesize: 328,308
Module Some_planning_for_th
Title: Some planning for the scenarios
Author: olex
Date: Fri, Jun 13, 2008 7:48 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 328,40,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Diagstate: 1,1,1,568,675,17
Text Te27
Description: 1) Paljon haukea syövät lapsentekoiässä olevat naiset~
- mistä data? (itse johdettava?)~
- hypoteettisesti arivoitava haukien syöntimäärät ~
- muitten kalojen kulutus vastaavasti vähäisempi(?)~
2) Recommended portions per week~
- similar fish consumption pattern with general population~
3) Sport fisher~
- the most valuable fish only (info on market prices are available)~
- no 'catch and release' fishing included
Nodelocation: 232,104,-1
Nodesize: 220,95
Variable Max_amount_of_pike
Title: Max amount of pike consumption
Units: g/week
Description: Boundaries: ~
1) Season when the water is not covered with ice. = 6 months +- 1 mon~~
th (22-30 weeks). Ref #1, page 27-.~
2) Consumption: 2-4 times/week (227g portion size)~
Definition: Uniform(2,4)*227*uniform(22,30)/1000
Nodelocation: 64,352,1
Nodesize: 52,32
Windstate: 2,40,392,476,224
Valuestate: 2,540,199,416,303,0,MEAN
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim:6}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,0,1,,,,0,0.4}
Reference: RKTL2007
Variable Recommended_cons
Title: Recommended consumption
Units: kg/a
Description: 2 portions of fish per week with a similar fish consumpti~~
on as the general population. So, scaled up from approximately one po~~
rtion per week (see model calculations) to two portions per week.
Nodelocation: 64,432,1
Nodesize: 52,32
Reference: RKTL2007
Text Te28
Description: Modelling:~
- tee indeksi kalansyönnille (pregnant women, general population, sum~~
mer cottage fisher, sport fisher)~
- laskentasolmu high consumption pike (pohjautuu jotenkin dataan)
Nodelocation: 232,256,-1
Nodesize: 220,36
Variable Rktl2007
Title: RKTL2007
Description: Vuonna 2006 vapaa-ajankalastuksen kokonaissaalis oli 42 m~~
iljoonaa kiloa, josta 75 prosenttia pyydettiin sisävesiltä. Saaliista~~
yli puolet oli ahventa tai haukea.~
Puolet kalastaneista kotitalouksista sai enintään 9 kiloa saalista (=~~
mediaani). Kotitalouden keskimääräinen saalis oli 41 kiloa. Toisaalta~~
9 prosenttia kalastaneista kotitalouksista ei saanut saalista lainka~~
Sivu 44. lajiprofiilit~
Nodelocation: 64,504,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Recr_fishery_catch_2
Title: Recr fishery catch 2006
Units: 1000 kg
Description: Amount of fishery catch in 2006
Definition: Table(Species_catched,Ci)(~
Nodelocation: 280,424,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,462,227
Defnstate: 2,339,8,416,505,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,459,-1,300,433,0,MIDM
Reformdef: [Ci,Species_catched]
Reformval: [Ci,Species_catched]
Att__totalsindex: Index Species_catched
Reference: RKTL2007 page 32
Index Species_catched
Title: Species catched
Description: Species cathced in Finland in 2006
Definition: ['Perch','Pike','Roach','Pikeperch','Whitefish','Bream','V~~
endace','Brown trout','Rainbow trout','Grayling','Land-locked salmon'~~
,'Sea salmon','Burbot','Baltic herring','Ide','Flounder','Sprat','Cod~~
Nodelocation: 280,464,1
Nodesize: 48,16
Windstate: 2,102,90,467,432
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Perch','Pike','Roach','Pikeperch','Whit~~
efish','Bream','Vendace','Brown trout','Rainbow trout','Grayling','La~~
nd-locked salmon','Sea salmon','Burbot','Baltic herring','Ide','Floun~~
Index Ci
Title: CI
Units: -
Description: 95% confidence interval
Definition: ['Total','+/-']
Nodelocation: 272,496,1
Nodesize: 44,16
{!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Total','+/-']}
Variable Uniformalized
Title: Uniformalized
Definition: var me:=Recr_fishery_catch_2[CI='Total'];~
var ci:=Recr_fishery_catch_2[CI='+/-'];~
Nodelocation: 280,352,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,621,327,458,423,1,PDFP
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim:6}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,1,1,,,,0,10}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Uniformalized:1,,0,,,,,0,2000}
Reformval: [Undefined,Species_catched,Undefined,Undefined,1]
Variable Normalized
Title: Normalized
Definition: var me:=Recr_fishery_catch_2[CI='Total'];~
var ci:=Recr_fishery_catch_2[CI='+/-'];~
var sd:=ci/1.96;~
if normal(me,sd)<0 then 0 else normal(me,sd)
Nodelocation: 280,560,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,514,133,744,503,0,MEAN
Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim:6}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,1,1,,,,0,1m}~
{!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Normalized:1,,1,,,,,-10,5000}
Reformval: [Species_catched,Species_catched,1,Undefined,1]
Close Some_planning_for_th
Constant Co1
Nodelocation: 144,-32,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Close Mehgvsn3